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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. [Citation Needed] I can't imagine this having occurred, find the link. I know I have my citation in my sig showing the rather large Gen8 win for PC. I actually am positive this was the largest 1st place gap in SW history since we started doing this in 2000. Having multiple platforms give you their games while not sharing it with each other has great results 😉. Same goes for GFX. And that's not even including Gen8 Nintendo emulation, which lets face it, is real and should count since they are objectively playable games on PC and at times better. I just don't that since i
  2. Link that occurance in your next post buddy boy. You must have been having another dream, my signature displays this quite well. PC won in the SW Meta Game that we have always used (since 2000) as well as for gfx king of Gen8. Well yeah, but from all systems that don't give them to each other. Resulting in the W. A significant portion of the library of PS is multiplats, and 100% of XBOX is too now. So this is the part where you say games only on MS platforms "dont' count" or "count less". And it's the part where I laugh because that isn't really a t
  3. PC = Windows = MS. There's no way around it. MS success is PC sucess, all games are shared now. Don't be fake.
  4. This kid finally gets a chance to beat up on PC strictly due to a once in a century pandemic that has killed millions.....pathetic mother fucker 🤣
  5. Lmao reading multiple comment sections, Cows are super mad at capitalism right now.
  6. Shooters on PS5 Any form of competitive gaming on PS5 🤣
  7. Just work on your pics man. Keep at it. You will get better.
  8. Having to watch an obscure movie to get the picture's reference is a very bad SW picture. I don't even know the name of the film, what is it?
  9. Just get better at SW pics dude.
  10. I can only imagine how worse your melt down will be after this breaking news, Sony Drops 9.6% in Wake of Microsoft Activision Deal - BNN Bloomberg
  11. Sony Drops 9.6% in Wake of Microsoft Activision Deal - BNN Bloomberg
  12. What does this have to do with it clearly saying "It's not a flop" and it only saying XBOX on the title. See, you have to reach and lie, while I literally still have no clue what movie your first picture is from or what it's referencing
  13. That's not me. Also it clearly says XBOX version on it. He's clearly crying because it flopped, as written on the picture. You don't have to watch a movie to understand the picture through a vague reference. See how it's done?
  14. It's quite self explanatory. It has the system the game is from and why he is crying. Not some random movie scene, which I still don't know the name of or what it's referring to. Try better next time.
  15. You have to get better at these types of SW pictures, this is very bad I don't understand the reference. For example, this is self explanatory:
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