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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. QD-OLED technology hasn't even come out yet. It's a brand new panel type. He has no clue what's going on, is Jerry drunk or some shit?
  2. Glad we could get GOW being best on PC out of the way. That debate was kinda' dumb considering the citation of proof was in the OP. You've had QD-OLED since half a year ago? What model number?
  3. I have a 4k display too. 😉 I'm glad you agree God of War is best on PC. Now that wasn't so hard was it? Thanks, I love Ultrawide and high fps. Also, QD-OLED is fucking amazing. I'll probably get the new upcomming 4k 32" MINILED too, but meh blooming and less frames and less immserive. Doubt I'll use it much.
  4. Don't worry, I'm also getting the 3440x1440 QD OLED which is gonna' be around $3000 (or more) in March. I prefer UW and high fps over my 4k 😉 Doubt. Anyway - best on PC. DF have spoken and that was before the 2 patches. Cry more. It's settled.
  5. Ayo, when does this thing not get boring? I didn't know this was a movie game I'm literally just walking around and watching cutscenes as this big gay bald looking mother fucker,....the fuck is this?
  6. I made that. Also, God of War - best on PC (confirmed fact). And new patch + nvidia patch after this review for even more bester version. Currently enjoying!
  7. Damn Christina Ricci is a total milf I'm gonna watch this shit.
  8. Yup its mostly because of Covid. The console kids caught a temporary break due to a virus that has killed millions (nice priorities). "Gloat" while you can. @FIREPOWER
  9. The reward is playing the notably better version of all xbox games and over 95% of PS5 games, while also having genres that you might only like to play on PC (like competitive gaming, which is practically non existant on consoles in comparison). So pretty much 99% of yearly releases. I got my 3080 TUF OC for $650, I can't complain. Not sure why you cherry picked an examples of the 1% of yearly titles that are potentially better on consoles. P.S. The price bullshit is mostly due to Covid.
  10. Was trash, felt like a straight to video movie.
  11. Just finally finished Kingdom (2019 Korean) season 1, Arcane season 1, and all of Witcher season 2. All were great/good. Can't wait to start Kingdom season 2.
  12. Mostly stuff for my office and PC since work at home is extended for quite a while, Steelcase Gesture (changed colors) GMMK PRO with coiled aviator cable (gift), zeal switches, artisan desk mat, and durock stabilizers. Kone Air Pro 1TB SN850 NVME (gift) 3x T30-120 Phanteks fans
  13. Didn't like it. Too much "wink wink" and fan service. Action was much worse than the original. Characters all looked dumb and goofy. Even some of the robots looked like some dumb Disney shit.
  14. Just looking at digital foundry face off for any AAA game, PC wins nearly all the time the last 5 years. Every AAA or AA game I personally try is much better on PC as well these last few years. This wasn't the case 2 gens ago, multiplats actually did have quite a few problems on PC and it got a lot less. Back then I used to get dunked on daily due to poor ports. Now I can at most get dunked on one time a year, and it's very temporary. Now it gets a lot more (including all MS games and PS exclusives) and they are typically (over 90% of the time) much better on PC. The examples of a
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