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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Just played an hour of FF. Zero stuttering so far. Looks like another win for Lord C, for me at least. BF and Halo run fine for me as well, and like DF I agree they are best on PC. I don't care about random twitter user who said it doesn't work well for their 1080i. The evidence is overwhelming indeed. PC is now being given the most attention (every MS games and several PS exclusives). And the best version of most games. You're spamming all these smilies over 1 game, but PC has the same thing but with 100s of games, yet you're quiet about all of those.
  2. I'm sure there are people who don't know how to run or put together their PC properly. PC took the win on these officially. Also they run better on my PC. Thirdly I will be installing FF any minute now, I bet it will not stutter.
  3. I'm getting the game soon I'll let you know if these random tweets are true, I bet I won't have stuttering.
  4. I'm watching the DF video for Halo and BF, they give PC the win if you have a high end rig (which I do). Maybe 2 gens ago, but last gen over 90% of multiplats were much better on PC. This gen it's around 90%+ too. You have to cherry pick the handful of titles that aren't better on PC. And even those eventually got fixed. PC is now a primary thought going by most titles.
  5. You're super happy about 1 game being temporarily better on PS. But ignore the 99% of other games being much better on PC Inferior gaming device is inferior.
  6. Now you know how pc gamers feel for the 99% of other games that are much better on PC. Have this rare and minor taste while it's allowed, a patch will fix it soon enough.
  7. Going by a majority of Digital Foundry Face Off's this likely won't be the case, and 99% games will continue to be best on PC. Triple A studios are in fact putting even more focus on PC than ever before going by most titles. This seems like that 1% fluke that will be patched/fixed soon enough. Odd of you to draw this unlikely conclusion off of a rare fluke.
  8. First episode "leaked" like 2 days ago. Was pretty nice IMO. Great effects on the "monsters". There were boobs too. Ended with a story note I would expect from some of the more nuanced Witcher 3 quests. While I still don't think its great, It does indeed seem a step above season 1.
  9. MS is so famous and recognizable, kids in this thread are so salty!
  10. Yeah I saw, but not long enough of it to judge imo. Gotta wait for more stuff I guess. Isn't that just for the Demo? I can't imagine them not wanting to release the full version on PC so people can experience it at it's by far best. Especially as a gfx showcase game which always push gfx forward every gen on PC.
  11. Nice gfx. But is it going to be one of those "gameplay" games.
  12. Yes there is. You're mad that Halo got a 9.0 and won the Players choice award. Which is why you keep trying to deflect from it with "Muh bait" but still responding to "Muh bait".
  13. If you think it's bait, why do you still keep getting baited so easily like some novice? If it isn't bait, why don't you talk about your shitty 9.0 excuses?
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