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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Arcane has some really nice art/animation if you're into that kind of thing.
  2. Jehury is kind of a bitch when it comes to bets. He said my PC was shit for weeks, but when I asked for a bet on it he ran away,
  3. What the flying fuck you talking about, Sony movie games are the most casual shit on earth. Non-gamers play them. Hence only winning on casual sites. So sad.
  4. I'd think it was the opposite, considering GTAV total sales vs GOW. GoW movie gamer casual cucks mass botting the original 70/30. The difference in the amount of people have played the 2 is astronomical, and that alone should cause this huge gap. I guess if you keep running to the next most casual place you can do a poll (twitter/instagram) GoW (which is designed for non gamers) might cop a win.
  5. Isn't IGN audience like as casual as you can get? If anything you should be rooting for your game NOT to win there.
  6. That's nothing SW used to be true gangsta level street hardcore. Just look at this old conversation,
  7. I actually kinda liked Midnight Mass. Not great, but good IMO. But I have not watched Hill House or Bly Manor. Damn my backlog just got bigger I guess.
  8. Speaking of which, Kena: Bridge of Spirits looks great on PS5, but what about PC? • Eurogamer.net lol PS5 30 fps with low textures and low settings for some other things.
  9. One does not need a Ferrari(PC) to know it owns a Civic(PS5).
  10. This dude was sauced out of his god damn mind. Not inspiration at all when you do that. Yup, had a heart attack from suacing (PEDs) too much. The roids contributed and impacted a pre-existing condition. Even his brother was arrested dealing them. It's very rare a coroners report will literally say someone officially died of steroids. It's more of an over time thing, not an overdose.
  11. He got owned really badly here so stopped posting.
  12. I'll acknowledge PC might lose this year if you acknowledge the fact PC won last gen by a large margin. It's best if everyone lives in the same reality.
  13. Another best on PC title. I wish 99% PS5 games weren't better on PC, I would have a reason to buy a Sony product.
  14. That's not a 2021 library list, it's what they think you should play in general the top 100 games. Anyway, PC can't win every year. You lose some times. Can easily win the gen as it usually does though. It's usually a rough start at the first year of the gen for PC. As fresh console get tons of prior gen padding while PC catches up quick. I'm willing to put a permanent ban bet that PC will win this gen like the last 3 gens.
  15. That's not a 2021 release/launch list. That's literally their subjective list of games they think you should play in 2021. Not from 2021. Why do the console circle jerk peasants here have such a low IQ. I mean it's bad enough you guys have to skirt around the fact PC won last gen, now you're making stuff up. And it's to make yourself feel better that you're going to be playing the shitty version of most major games this decade (99% of PS5 tiles best on PC, 100% of XB titles best on PC, the best Kidtendo exclusives (aka only 3-4 games worth playing on their system each
  16. PC actually had it's biggest win last gen with over 100 more high scoring titles than the 2nd next system, while remaining gfx king and best online gaming. I don't think any system had a bigger win in GS history than PC for Gen8. Same goes for Digital Foundry face off wins.
  17. Found out what I was talking about on page 1. It's called "Missing White Woman Syndrome". Missing White Woman Syndrome: An Empirical Analysis of Race and Gender Disparities in Online News Coverage of Missing Persons (northwestern.edu) Me(di)a Culpa?: The “Missing White Woman Syndrome” and Media Self-Critique | Communication, Culture and Critique | Oxford Academic (oup.com) The Newsworthiness and Selection Bias in News About Murder: Comparative and Relative Effects of Novelty and Race and Gender Typifications on Newspaper Coverage of Homicide | SpringerLink
  18. So since Xbox is not part of SW, do we get to count MS Exclusives as PC exclusives? 👌
  19. Switch and PS5 get away with a lot of this blatant library padding.
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