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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. PC being funneled tons of "Console exclusives", resulting in easy GS/MC gen wins. I love it. First place is best place.
  2. You're so much of a fanboy that you miss out on most 9's and 8's on your PC because of 3 casual Sony games that also scored 9?
  3. So he played only 3 games this year and they were just PS4 ports? Fucking wtf. He should seriously reconsider his "Muh exclusive" rule. The industry isn't designed around his arbitrary qualifier anymore. He's missing out on nearly 99% of AAA/AA titles.
  4. So you only played 3 uber casual high scoring games while someone else has dozens of high scoring games of all types to play? That sucks. No wonder you were caught barely touching your PS5. Reconsider skipping out on 99% of the industry (nearly all big games are multipalts now).
  5. So this is why your PS5 collects dust. You skip out on 99% of high scoring titles (most big releases are multiplats now) and just play 2 or 3 casual exclusives each year. oof.
  6. Well almost all PS5 games are better on his PC, apart from a few casual movie games. Can't blame him for his PS5 collecting dust.
  7. Yeah but if I didn't, I wouldn't have been able to fucking destroy you. It was too tempting. You fucked up, should have found Gokou's retard post and saved the link before engaging me. 🙂
  8. What post. Let me see so I can talk to Gamespot admin's that their site is buggy.
  9. I noticed after losing a debate you go in weird cryptic circles. It's kind of sad actually.
  10. You've been using his post, which I'm not even sure exists, for 2 pages now. [Citation Needed] You kinda' auto lost here. I was actually expecting you to link it and I was going to see what he got wrong (there is no way gamespot's actual site is wrong). Debate-Evidence-Rules-2015-2016 (speechanddebate.org) P.S. This is looking bad for you.
  11. You have been using his "list" as a source for 2 pages now. I was expecting citation by now. Without citation you default to losing this "debate". I directly linked Gamespot proving my 2 data points, with citation. This is an auto-lose for you. Debate-Evidence-Rules-2015-2016 (speechanddebate.org)
  12. Can you link his post? I'm not ready to beleive Gokou is better than Gamespot's (Their actual site for crying out loud......) Gen8 tally.
  13. It's not me. It's Gamespot dude............the links are purely their site. If you worried I'm linking a virus site to fuck you over, ask a moderator first. I guarantee I would never do that. Can you link Gokous post btw? I'd like to see what he lied about for Gen8.
  14. Why not just click my links and see I'm not lying and Gouku was making stuff up? It wouldn't be the first time, he used weird dates for MC (counted Switch as it's own generation). It's not hard. I didn't link a virus site, it's just gamespot 🙂
  15. My 2 links literally lead to Gamespot's official scoring board with the Generation 8 dates already set in place inside the search feature. The tally is given by Gamespot at the bottom of the page. I'm not doing the counting, it's by GS for the Gen8 dates for each system. PC: 442 (Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot) PS4: 303 (Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot) You're literally lying to yourself at this point.
  16. Not sure why you're lying. I have the receipts: Gamespot PC: 442 (Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot) PS4: 303 (Game Reviews, Video Game Reviews - GameSpot) Generation8 Eighth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia
  17. No. He didn't. PC won last gen for high scoring (8-10) games tally at GS. I'll post the numbers if you want. Edit: PC: 445 PS4: 303 The remaining systems are below both, and not worth mentioning with an all already triple digit lead.
  18. PC will win this gen like last gen for high scoring library tally at GS.
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