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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. That's your opinion. I see no stickied wool coat thread. I had almost forgot that fucking low IQ moron idea existed until you literally brought it up again yesterday. Not a single poster here has mentioned it since I came back to the forum except you. I've been spamming PC won last gen (IT DID BTW) and I've only been met with resistance of other total library counts. P.S. If you want to know why the fake random fanboy made system that was never used by any populated site and barely used here is stupid, why should a game that is only on XB and PC be "lesser" than a gam
  2. The system we used in GS/SS was used significantly longer, literal decades. The Nfuctor fanfiction thread here crashed and burned after 1 year. Sorry not sorry, you lose. P.S. If you want to know why the fake random fanboy made system that was never used by any populated site and barely used here is stupid, why should a game that is only on XB and PC be "lesser" than a game that is only on Switch if they have the same score? Switch can't play that MS game. PC/XB can't play the Switch game. They both have the same score. You and I know it's both arbitrary retardation at best
  3. No. He invented it and couldn't get it to work at GS and SS because of how fucking retarded it was. I remember, he was laughed out and everyone know it was a system benefiting Nintendo by a rather large margin. This wasn't even hidden considering the name. On his pathetic third attempt he was able to get a handful of people here to finally allow it for a very very short period of time before the thread crashed and burned after just 1 year. Fanfiction is fanfiction. Go cry about it while you use Gamespot's score but not the system from Gamespot that we always used and still use.
  4. You are entitled to your opinion. It was never used at GS or SS, he tried and failed at making it a thing there because it was fucking stupid. That's when the SW style forums had more than a handful of users to can weed out the bullshit ideas. It's Nfuctor's fan fiction. Nothing more. Literally. While I mostly stopped posting here for a long time, it seemed he failed to make it gain traction here as well after that one thread outlining a diehard Sheep's specific arbitrary rules that very very specifically benefit Nintendo died in just 1 year. The thread could barely last
  5. No they weren't. They were just colored differently to show they are exclusive. The thread that picture is used in was discussing total library count hence total library count being circled in that picture. No reason to lie. You lie every time we argue. Nobody cares that you're using rules from a random user (who just HAPPENS to be a Sheep) from a random thread in 2011 that lasted 1 year (lol), and was never labeled as Official. The thread died after 1 year. That's one year out of an 8 year long generation in Gen7. Those rules were never used in Gen8 or Gen6. He t
  6. I wasn't aware PC had many re-releases since it's a single platform. That's mostly a console thing, for example XBL digital games being re-scored and XBOX360 getting a large jump in library. Or backwards compatibility games being rescored on a new system. Mostly fake filler nonsense, counting the same game twice. I have not seen this on PC unless it was explicitly a remake. It does, however, get several ports. Fresh games that were never on PC before. Typically not 5-8+ years old, most ports to PC are games from the the same day (over 90%) or last 1-2 years. Tiny % are very
  7. Nah. Switch got more rereleases than PC for 2 years since it was all at once, hence the odd spike in numbers for 2019 and 2020. Tons of 2012-2019 WiiU titles on it. Anyway PC won last gen and is winning this gen. That's even if you count Switch's massive WiiU padding, which I have never discounted.
  8. I'm aware PC loses some years (usually due to technicalities like when XB360 recounted XBL digital releases, or the whole Switch WiiU rerelease situation). But it wins gens. Mostly because it has the most developers giving it games. Shouldn't be a mystery at this point, it's where publishers dump their games.
  9. This gen started on November 2020. Ninth generation of video game consoles - Wikipedia PC is ahead. I'm sorry that your old WiiU re-release padding on Switch mostly came out before November 2020. Sucks to suck I guess.
  10. I use the system we used since the start of GS System Wars forums in 2000?(-2021) and same one again in Side Scrollers. I don't care that a random fanboy user made an unofficial and extremely arbitrary system in a 2011 thread that lasted for 1 year (2011-2012) in an off-shoot forum that had relatively very few people in it. Maybe, MAYBE, if it had an [Official] tag and was still in use I'd give you some leeway. But it doesn't. It died in 1 fucking year. I'm going to go with the system we used for decades, not something a random kid made and was abandoned.
  11. Games over 80 at MC this year, PC - 53 Switch - 44 (An unusually large number of last gen games ported for Switch but I'll let it slide since they weren't on WiiU.) XB - 15 PS - 25 PC on it's way to winning yet another gen.
  12. There it is. The 100% arbitrary and fabricated "Wool Coat Scale" that literally failed at every major SW site. It didn't work at GS. It didn't work at Sidescrollers. He was at best able to maintain a thread on it here of all places, where we had the least users/activity of any SW forum. He got away with it here in his own little thread because next to no one posted here compared to the other sites, so no one gave a fuck. Good job! But it was never the official rule here even at that, lmao. You're going off of Gamespot's scores but not even using Gamespot's official rules
  13. @jehurey P.S. We only started weighting Exclusives more in the first SW off-shoot website (Alphonso and Gamedrunk might know more about this?) It was cooled the wool something system. It was short lived, no one liked it. A game is a game (considering scores of course). System X can have 20 exclusives than systen Y, but if you have 200 less playable games than system Y then you're fucked no matter what. Also how do you do 2 system exclusives (like MS Exclusives)? Just pretend those 2 systems arbitrarily lost dozens of games? Lmao.
  14. This is false going by end of GEN WINNER thread where we argued total library count. I didn't circle the 36 because the thread was about exclusives.
  15. The thread that picture is from was arguing total platform library (which counts and adds exclusives) to determine who had won the gen. Not exclusives. alone. You can contact VGKING or CASEY to confirm this fact.
  16. The thread that picture is from was arguing total platform library (which counts and adds exclusives) to determine who had won the gen. Not exclusives alone. As noted by the circle and TLHBO. You can contact VGKING or CASEY to confirm this fact.
  17. The total library is what's literally circled and what we were arguing in that end of gen thread...... Lets get a hold of Casey if you don't think that wasn't the most important criteria. You're only saying this because your little Nintendo loses by massive margins in the most important category of games library.
  18. That was just to differentiate exclusives. PC won that gen due to having the most total library, which is what that thread was about. Hence total library being circled. 🙂
  19. Nice since all XB games are now on PC this means PC will win another gen the better XB does. 4 gens in a row in that case. CONNECT 4 sweet!
  20. Dunno why you lying. I have pictures from several years ago referencing total games lists used inside long threads fighting about total games lists. Exclusives were important, but not paramount. Also it's not like PC had the least AAA+AA exclusives, not that it mattered due to the massive total library wins. These were not edited or touched since usage:
  21. I'm not lying, and PC won the last 3 gens according to rules that we have used since GS Forums.
  22. Why lie? I remember the end of gen threads were it was mostly total library number spam. AAA and AA only though. I don't get the reason in lying here. They matter. They add to your total library list. It's that those 5 games you gained aren't all of a sudden equal to the 100-200 less games you missed out on (lol Nintendo). Your system had far less playable AAA and AA games and it meant it lost. Bigly.
  23. It never was lmao. The primary criteria was always general library total AAA+AA count. I remember 10+ page threads me vs Carlos (among others) on that specific criteria. Who gives a fuck if a system has 10 more exclusives when it's down by 200 AAA+AA titles. You gained 10 more AAA/AA games but are missing out on 200 AAA/AA games.
  24. Playing the much better version of 99% of games on the top 2 major systems, while having a triple digit lead in AAA/AA titles, and a 99% stranglehold on competitive gaming is pathetic? Interesting. P.S. So I guess MS Exclusives are in this weird zone that don't get counted either way?
  25. What the fuck do you mean. PC won by every metagame criteria we have ever used at SW(any site) for last gen.
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