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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. This isn't how the PC market really works anymore. PC doesn't really compete vs consoles, there is almost 0 reason to not port your game to consoles and get easy $$. The only reason it even has exclusives is due to other systems not having enough of the preferred control method (kb/m) for certain genres. But the opposite is also true - it gets the most amount of games period, from systems that don't give games to each other since they do not see it as direct competition. And it's for the same reason, easy $$$. The result is the highest AAA+AA count at both GS and MC. I believe it had over
  2. Leave it to IGN to literally spoil the money shot in the youtube picture....lmao. They do this in front page article titles too.
  3. This game is also on PC, another system. This doesn't count and should not be allowed.
  4. the Halo can never lose
  5. im waitin for this game to be fully finished b4 playing it but lol
  6. That's not how the industry works. They don't die, they end up seeing PC isn't competing with N/MS/Sony and just put their games on those systems for easy profit. On the flip-side, the opposite happens. With MS/Sony exclusives going to PC due to the same reason. Since neither of us are CEO's this is a net win for PC gamers over others.
  7. Could just be experimental since it's just beta. Maybe later on only for pvp. No clue yet tbh.
  8. It's pretty good, but the last minute nerfing of Ultra-Wide support (which worked in Alpha) is disappointing.
  9. Damn guess it was lucky I got my 3080 TUF OC from Microcenter at $700, then another $60 off from selling the turd CoD it came with. But this was all in November 2020, before all the stores jacked up prices.
  10. pre-ordered, can't wait tio play in 2 days
  11. What the fuck are you talking about. I posted two links directly proving you wrong on page 2 and it ended there. Fin. The End. It doesn't matter that I didn't feel like copy and pasting their entire 11 and 14 game lists every post after that. It was over. You're insane.
  12. @jehurey This is the equivalent of me linking the NCA4 Vol I and Vol II Reports against a climate denier. Each contain over 400+ Peer reviewed studies. Then later in the thread I merely link to 1 sample study so I don't have to spam a huge fucking list. That doesn't mean my original citation is no longer the paramount rebuttal the climate denier. You just can't admit you were wrong.
  13. I was just giving you ONE EXAMPLE of 12+ games I already listed hours earlier in the same exact arguement...... This has to be an act
  14. Are you saying this didn't happen? Because it happened. You got destroyed.
  15. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Here is a screenshot in time-stamp order of our conversation. 😉
  16. Top NEW FPS Video Games Of 2021 - Gameranx 11 great new FPS games coming out in 2021 - SQUAD (squadstate.com) That is more than 1 game. You were caught being bad at doing research and accidentally thought PC wasn't going to get most major FPS games. Even trouncing PS5 and Switch, making your entire argument in this thread laughable.
  17. I posted the 2 links after you said "remotely popular" and "you don't have anything else". You were caught lying. Those 2 posts were factually incorrect. Do you admit those 2 posts were factually incorrect?
  18. So much tangling and spin. Straw-man spam is bad. You're making me post screenshots because you're using so many of them. Everyone can just see you lied and I posted 2 links directly after and then you went into some weird random word salad spam mode. This is factually wrong. Top NEW FPS Video Games Of 2021 - Gameranx 11 great new FPS games coming out in 2021 - SQUAD (squadstate.com)
  19. I posted 2 links prior to that comment containing several games, including Halo, Battlefield, Overwatch 2, Far Cry 6, Stalker 2, etc. Question, do you agree PS5 and Switch have less than what you personally consider "not much else"? And the lack of Halo adds to this?
  20. @jehurey This post makes 0 sense. PC has every recent and upcoming "remotely" popular First Person Shooter. All Upcoming First-Person Shooters of 2021 | Heavy.com Top NEW FPS Video Games Of 2021 - Gameranx 11 great new FPS games coming out in 2021 - SQUAD (squadstate.com) Are you saying PS5 and Switch are even worse?
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