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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. You just agreed that the best FPS for 2021 is Halo.
  2. Oh didn't try to change the topic, I'm still all about dat' GODLO. I was just proving your little segway about PC not having popular shooters or future prospects for shooters wrong. It appears like it's getting the most for 2021. 🙂
  3. So both websites are wrong, PC is not getting the most FPS games in 2021? Which system is then?
  4. Dunno, I was in first person and shooting people. PC is getting the most FPS games this year according to any 2021 FPS list. I'm confused at what the problem is here.
  5. Nice, PC the most FPS options this year! From Halo, to BF, to RE, to Stalker. DAMN!
  6. I'm glad you accept you were wrong about FPS releases, Now that we have that lie over with, I accept your Halo Jealousy. All hail the king.
  7. Halo making so many kids here jealous.
  8. Hmm...a quick look up I see PC is missing out on the least shooters. And they are almost all substantially better on PC to boot. Top NEW FPS Video Games Of 2021 - Gameranx 11 great new FPS games coming out in 2021 - SQUAD (squadstate.com) Which begs the question, what in the world are you talking about?
  9. PC is getting most major releases on top of every game on XB and a few Sony games. What FPS isn't coming to PC? Halo jealousy had made you insane!
  10. Halo is all one needs. The best of the best. P.S. lol FPS games on consoles
  11. Jealousy. Don't worry PC will be 1st place this gen too while you wish your system of choice had Halo (The God of FPS).
  12. I'm not excluding any playable last gen release for PC or Switch. PC AAA+AA last gen: 600 Switch AAA+AA last gen: 308 This is not including emulation, gfx, or online. In which case things go from horrific to fucked.
  13. That wasn't on PC before. You're counting straight backwards compatibility from 2014-2017 to strong arm some kind of twisted win because your system has unusual launch dates. PC AAA+AA last gen: 600 Switch AAA+AA last gen: 308
  14. MS Exclusives between PC and XB aren't backwards compatibility
  15. I'm talking about MS Exclusives.... This kid still trying to get backwards compatibility freebie points?
  16. PC AAA+AA last gen: 600 Switch AAA+AA last gen: 308 This is the MC 8.0 and up tally for last gen. This includes WiiU games in Switch. "2018 was a blow out loss for PC. " Because that's when MC arbitrarily put in the WiiU games list into Switch's list. You think I wouldn't look into this anamoly? Then lets not even get into the fact Switch perpertually has last gen graphics while PC is GFX KING, and practically 0 real online compared to PCs scenes. All for what, 1 or 2 arbitrary games that other people can't play on others system every 1 or 2 years?
  17. @Goukosan Games that are on 2 systems can't be counted, even if it results in a certain system having more playable games than another? That's some fictional internet rules. Randomly discounting dual system exclusives.
  18. Wait, are you pretending I didn't notice MC is listing WiiU re-releases on Switch's list and that I'm not counting the entire gen for PC due to that? You thought I wasn't 3 steps ahead of you on that little cheat? Good one bro, let me give you the entire gen list a little later. You're not going to like the tally.
  19. Arbitrary bullshit. Everyone puts their games on PC and PC gives their games to everyone. The result is a triple digit lead in AAA+AAs at GS and MC. PC had the by the largest margin the most AAA+AA last gen at MC and GS. PC has not lost 1 gen.
  20. PC had the most AAA+AA last gen. Sit down, and have fun fighting for second place
  21. Sit down, and have fun fighting for second place this gen like you did the last 3 gens. PC won GS and MC for AAA and AA.
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