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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Going by your logic since 99% of the time a game is much better on PC according to Digital Foundry, does that mean consoles are 2nd class platforms in most instances?
  2. The OST is better than any of the forgetable MCU movie soundtracks somehow lol.
  3. Did Ciri get plastic surgery or did they change the actor? Doesn't look like the same person wtf.
  4. But we already had a board for nutjobs, it was the Politics section.
  5. No. It's not supported by any solid theories or physics. Except traveling to the future (sort of).
  6. Master Chief is 100x more iconic than any of Sony's current offerings.
  7. PC has the most and best version of games from that list and misses out on the least. Outside of weird fictional fanboy wars rules, that's objectively superior.
  8. I gotta pay for this shit? Not a free upgrade?
  9. The headline says you did. As does the article contents. That's not even mentioning how you fabricated quotes until Remji found out.
  10. Nice, going by that headline you lied. A lot.
  11. Why do you keep lying about the same things when everyone knows you are lying about the same 4 things?
  12. Jerry I listed your 4 major lies that you keep spamming. Why still spam them?
  13. Jerry is such frequent lying a normal behavior with you? 1. Lies about DF quotes by making them up. Someone digs up the article themselves and sees you lied (Remji). 2. Lying about DF article titles, posts picture showing you're lying. 3. Lies about my PC. 4. Lies about CDPR quotes by making them up. Someone digs up the article themselves and sees you lied (Me). This is poor behavior for an adult.
  14. Also you fabricated CDPR quotes. You said CP was ported from console to PC. When asked for citation you fled. Is this normal behavior for Jerry?
  15. Even the title doesn't say what you're saying. You're owning yourself.
  16. You're making things up again, albiet no longer claiming it as a direct quote (thanks for that). The DF article does not state this.
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