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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. You literally made up DF quotes from John Lineman in 2 threads hoping no one would read the source material. Both me and Remji read the source material, you made everything up. Remji skewered you for it, I was kind.
  2. You did this for 4+ pages, Do you admit to lying?
  3. This isn't possible, because I was multi-quoting about your DF lie in the same posts or doing it in separate posts, after confronting your now confirmed falsified DF quotes. It's possible to talk about two things lol. By the way, do you admit you lied about my PC?
  4. That's a separate quote chain/subtopic (the first one actually, and longer one). As for graphics king, you lost since you objectively fabricated multiple DF quotes. We can continue to discuss that "debate", but that doesn't exclude this PC lie debate. You were lying for pages regarding my PC. Now you ran away from a bet because you know you were wrong. I thought they were kidding when they said you run away from bets after making false claims. Turns out it's a thing.
  5. I don't know why Jerry can not believe this.
  6. Jerry said my PC was shitty for several pages and that I was lying about my hardware. When I asked for a avatar change bet regarding proof of my PC, he dropped the subject of my PC entirely. Now I know the secret on how to make Jerry act nice, just make a ban/avatar/sig bet.
  7. Wait, this is normal behavior from him? Interesting.
  8. Jerry must either decline or accept the Avatar Bet.
  9. I formally challenge Jehuery to a 6-12 month Avatar bet. Upon a handshake, I will be responsible for providing proof I do not have a "shitty PC" or am "lying" about the hardware, as he explicitly claimed. Whoever wins this bet will choose an Avatar picture for the other member. The member must keep this Avatar for 6-12 months as per moderator decision. I see no reason for Jehuery to decline this bet. For a majority of pages I have been posting ITT he has suggested I have a shitty PC. When I told him I do not, he stated I was lying multiple times. Due to these confident and lengthy
  10. Do you disagree with your own posts? Do you admit to being wrong or do you still hold this belief? If so why not commit to a bet?
  11. That was on the same page I mentioned F5. You then stopped talking about my PC period when I mentioned a bet. You got scared. Will you agree to an avatar bet? Yes or No.
  12. All you were talking about was my PC or how I was lying about my PC until I brought up the bet. Literally, you stopped that second.
  13. Then provide a direct quote of them saying so instead of making things up. How is it tangential when that's one of the first things you brought up in regards to me and made it the main point for several pages. The second I asked for a bet you literally lied and said we don't need to talk about it anymore. LOL.
  14. I'm glad you admit it's your sole interpretation and not pretending to direct quote DF anymore. DF who never said it was graphics king. DF who never said it's the best looking game ever. I am glad you are now being accurate and stating you are merely inferring and guessing what they might mean. It's an improvement. You said I had a shitty PC for several pages. Do you apologize? Or will you continue to decline Avatar bets due to being scared?
  15. It literally does not say the things you have been saying. You fabricated these quotes. Also, I'll take it you're going to run away from the avatar bet? You spammed for several pages I had a shitty PC. Why drop that line all of a sudden?
  16. The article's Title does not say what you were saying. Nor does it say the quotes you fabricated. They do not say it is the best graphics ever, nor graphics king. Why do you lie on this website?
  17. You made a claim regarding my PC. Multiple times. You're not going to back that claim up with a bet? Are you not confident in your claim?
  18. I've read that article 3 times at your request. In no sentence does he state the things you are stating. Especially not the fake quotes you gave us earlier. Don't lie in the future.
  19. I watched both videos. They do not say the quotes you are giving from DF. You lied.
  20. Forza 5 just confirmed as graphics king by DF. Forza Horizon 5 First Look + New Cross-Gen and Performance Mode Details - YouTube
  21. MS show was so hype and winning every online poll, it is no surprise to anyone here this thread is 21 pages and will continue to grow. MS Domination Continuation.
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