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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Forza. Gears. Halo The holy trinity of Gaming, but for this gen. Comming soon. Cows will suffer.
  2. Quote it. Lying is bad. A 3080 TUF OC is not considered shitty yet. Probably in 2 years though, maybe? Lying is bad.
  3. Jehuarry. I have a 3080 TUF OC. Why do you keep lying in system wars? It's an unhealthy behavior.
  4. So you made the quote up and DF never said that? What's the point in lying at SW?
  5. So if DF is wrong about Blackfag, they are wrong about everything. Including the quote you fabricated.
  6. Damn man your PC is fucked up, send it back to Dell. DF says it is way better on PS4. As you know, PC is the gaming king with almost every game better experienced on it. I see no official quote as Linenman saying PS5 is gfx king, so PC is still champ as it was for most of the 8 years last gen.
  7. So PC is graphics king all along. I always win some how. How do I keep getting away with it?
  8. If your PC is running Blackflag worse than PS4, even after that DF quote, are you sure you plugged your 3090 in correctly? You have to daisy chain the PCIE PSU wires properly.
  9. So Digital Foundry is lying? Does this mean your made up quote from John Lineman is not true? Or did you mess up your PC?
  10. So Jerry lied about, 1. Blackfags performance PC vs PS4. 2. Direct John Linneman quotes, he made them up. 3. CP2077 being ported from console to pc. Please do not do this in the future @jehurey. It is dishonest.
  11. Digital Foundry said otherwise, That said, there is a more affordable choice available that offers all the visual refinement of the PS4 version - and more. If you have a decent gaming rig, the PC version is the way to go from a software price/performance perspective. Black Flag is available on PC for around £35 online, while you'll be looking at no less than £48 for the PS4 and Xbox One releases - a tidy saving of £13. Factoring in the ability to achieve a similar level of image quality to the PS4 game while running at double the frame-rate without needing Titan-level hardware, it'
  12. I'll move topics to graphics king if you admit to the previous topic, which you abruptly ended. Do you agree almost all video games are better experienced on PC? Yes or No and we can continue to graphics king. Thanks.
  13. I don't get how by the 8th gen in a row they still do this at the first few months of the start of a new gen. Always. Like clockwork. One would think they would learn. But they do know, they're just gloating the few months they can. Then it's 7 years of crying. Of course even that temporary bravado comes with extreme exaggeration, I'm not seeing Lineman using the quotes Jerry is giving us. He is literally making things up.
  14. The gen isn't even 1 year old. This literally happens at the start of every gen and then you get pounded into dirt. Also I don't see Linneman saying it is currently the graphics king, he says perhaps. Even he isn't sure. By the way, we were talking about multiplats not gfx king. You literally changed the topic. Video gaming, best on PC. Even according to DF.
  15. And PC was graphics king last gen according to them, your little head start at the start of every gen totally won't fade! So back on topic, you agree PC is the best gaming platform because a significant majority of games are better experienced on it according to DF, correct? Video gaming, best on PC.
  16. I'm talking about multiplats...... You trolling? He didn't talk about what I'm talking about. You're using random stuff.
  17. What are you talking about. John Linneman never said most games (nearly all) are not better experienced on PC. That's literally all I'm saying. And it's a fact. You're spamming red-herrings.
  18. I wasn't discussing that ITT. I was saying PC is the best platform because it plays the better version of over 90% of games. Surely you agree PC is the best gaming platform going by this simple fact.
  19. Specifically Digital Foundry Face Off, since I was talking about how most video games are better on PC. It was directly related to our discussion. You massively veered off course.
  20. After we finish the original quote chain's topic. You agree with the fact that PC is the best gaming system right?
  21. So then you agree PC is the best gaming system, as it plays the better version of most video games going by DF. Video gaming, best on PC.
  22. I was going off of DF Face Off's to note a significant majority of multiplats are better experienced on PC. And thus gaming is better on PC since that's over 90% of games.
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