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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. But is that sentence a statement of fact or not. You're veering of the original sentence. "Ferrari Roma is faster than a Honda Civic"
  2. So if I state the fact that a Ferrari Roma is faster than a Honda Civic, I'm stating a wish and not a fact?
  3. So I can't note the fact that a gaming pc is the best system if I do not own one? But I can do so for cars or animals, or literally any other topic? That sounds low IQ.
  4. I am stating a fact. I don't have to be a cheetah to know it is faster than a slug. Just like PC is best system.
  5. Bethesda Apologizes for Starfield Xbox Exclusivity: Can Be 'Frustrating' For PlayStation Owners - IGN Damn, the idiot casuals known as Cows are going to have to buy a real gaming system if they want to experience this masterpiece. And Bethesda couldn't give two fucks.
  6. God Halo is going to be amazing.
  7. What I am stating is a fact. PC is the best platform.
  8. A gaming PC is the best gaming experience. I was just stating a fact. This fact is not false, no matter what I do or do not own.
  9. Shut your fucking face! Clint Eastwood - YouTube
  10. A majority of gaming is better experienced on a gaming PC. The XB show was basically the PC show. It is without a doubt the ultimate gaming device.
  11. I assure you many of them payed for said Civic.
  12. There are sports cars forums where next to no one owns said sports car. They can still talk about it. PC won last gen and will win this gen, mark my words.
  13. Gaming is best done on a gaming PC going by objective data.
  14. Doesn't matter. PC gaming is the best way to experience video games. I don't have to own a Ferrari to know it beats a Honda Civic.
  15. Please less smile's I can't make out your post. Thank you.
  16. Doesn't matter. PC gaming is the best way to experience video games. I don't have to own a Ferrari to know it beats a Honda Civic.
  17. We assume high end hardware when discussing gaming PCs since SW began. My personal status is unimportant.
  18. You agree that a significant majority of gaming is better experienced on PC period. I agree most games are not designed to take full advantage of PC's best hardware. Not sure what the problem is.
  19. I'm just stating the fact, almost every single video game is objectively better experience on PC. Including the ones ITT. Not sure about that centric stuff, don't really care tbh.
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