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Everything posted by Substatic

  1. Almost all multiplats last gen looked and ran better on PC, even going by a majority of DF Face Off's. I expect the same this gen - hell we already see it with many games. Video Gaming, Best on PC.
  2. It will look and run better on PC, like 99% of titles each year! Video Gaming, Best on PC.
  3. Please don't say supposed. It won last gen at both GS and MC using literally any rule we ever used. In fact I'm pretty sure we stopped doing that dumb meta game because PC ended up triple digits ahead of the second place system, and it got boring as fuck. Also for that gen It had the most revenue, players, and the best graphics on top of that. Also, yeah the show sucked. But what can they really present when all the other shows scoop up PC games to present. The MS show was great and that was essentially the real PC show. All of their games are best on PC and were running on PC. I
  4. Starfield. Forza. Flight Sim. Halo. PC wins. Always. Another gen of being gfx king and GS/MC library king.
  5. Before that I gave one that's already out. But yes those too. Others as well likely. It feels good to be GFX KING!
  6. That's a straw-man, I never cared about PC Centric ITT. As long as all the games are best on PC.
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