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Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

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Everything posted by Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

  1. Legal age to own a gun should be raised to 25. And everyone should require a license and take a psychiatric test.
  2. Because I think identity groups create division and an endless cycle of racism and bigotry? No its called looking at the big picture. But you are too dumb to attempt that.
  3. If I knocked up a girl and I wanted the baby she better not abort it or jll abort her.
  4. Are you gonna talk about the op? Or just talk about your boyfriend?
  5. Obviously he thinks you're going to get a sex change
  6. Doesn't help when a guy like Bill Gates is forcing the stock down by shorting it. Weird he would be doing that when he says he cares about climate yet shorts the number electric car company. https://www.barrons.com/articles/elon-musk-says-bill-gates-is-shorting-tesla-stock-51650835893
  7. This is a hilarious contortion of logic. The offer is accepted, Twitter belongs to Elon Musk. End of story
  8. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/04/25/twitter-accepts-elon-musks-buyout-deal.html The board has accepted the offer. Its done.
  9. You're grasping at straws. When you reach an agreement to buy a house you tell your friends and family you bought a house. The deal is in motion, it will be yours.
  10. I'm guessing you missed this one pumpkin https://www.foxnews.com/media/cnn-brian-stelter-larry-elder
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