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Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

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Everything posted by Literal Nazi Rudolf Hess

  1. The day before biden is fucking walking across the white house lawn alone with a mask on but doesn't wear it inside with some of the most important people in the world. Makes total sense. Meanwhile millions of kids are still forced to wear them when they are the least at risk group there is! FOLLOW THE FUCKING SCIENCE, NOT THE POLITICAL SCIENCE
  2. And that means what? That it now magically stops transmission? We know it doesn't. We also know someone Biden's age is more vulnerable even after vaccination than a child. Anything else bitch?
  3. So? An older vaccinated person still has higher risk of dying from covid than an 8 year old unvaccinated child. You shut the fuck up. https://www.newsweek.com/vaccine-children-covid-england-deaths-1627885 Suck it, bitch.
  4. Loved watching a bunch of elderly people gather inside with no masks on at the state of the union while my kids still have to wear masks all day at school. Sick of this fucking hypocrisy. Are we following the fucking science or not? Are teachers afraid for the kids or of the kids?
  5. Cooke, you've got a lot of patience to do this man lol. I have 2 kids. I'm passing on the vaccine, I've read the statistics, we know it doesn't stop the spread and both of them are healthy. I'm vaccinated and that's good enough. They've both had covid anyway and it was very mild.
  6. Yes and he's so trying to de militarize Ukraine, which is having the exact opposite effect. Every western country is giving them weapons and supplies lol
  7. You can quantify it if you compare to another country with a modern healthcare system that didn't do lockdowns, like Sweden. Everyone thought Sweden would collapse and would have hundreds of thousands of deaths but they ended up in the bottom quarter for deaths per 100k for western countries. They did a more focused approach at protecting the vulnerable rather than a blanket approach even after knowing who COVID kills on average.
  8. https://khn.org/morning-breakout/lockdowns-had-little-to-no-benefit-on-public-health-analysis-finds/ https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf
  9. You could try leaving your house, getting on your bicycle and riding it to the park, bring your dog too. Throw the ball around for him, have a time. Then maybe head on down to 711 and grab a snickers cause you'll be hungry.
  10. Well of its under $950 we technically can steal anything now with no consequences. America 😎
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