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Everything posted by Chicano3000X

  1. I remember on GameSpot SW, people were hyped up about this build.
  2. Ah ok. That was a good series. I remember playing Allied Assault. That DDay level.
  3. It actually feels alot better. In the beginning I had to play on low settings. It's alot more fun to play now. But I have to admit, this is the least Battlefield feeling Battlefield ever.
  4. The game is gonna get better but it deserves to be pummeled into the dirt for such a shit launch. I hate the way devs these days just release half assed shit just because of the excuse of patching later.
  5. I didn't experience any insane bugs. The worst was just getting booted out of servers, or matchmaking and then loading screen and back to main menu. What I wanna understand is why are we missing alot of compenents that are essential to the core Battlefield experience? Those should be implemented first, then you innovate.
  6. Dude, I felt like I was 15 again playing this on my dad's PC (I had no XBox but at the time Halo PC came out). Even if 2042 dissapoints(which it seems like it is having a bad launch, but will get better), this game will more than make up for that. Just fast paced.
  7. The problem is that companies push responsibility onto consumers. They did the same with littering. Since like the 70s. They pushed recycling onto consumers so people just look at themselves and not the real polluters. And most of the recycling is useless because not all materials can be recycled despite them having the symbol on them.
  8. The problem is that the game is completely broken. Holy shit has Rockstar fallen off HARD!
  9. Doing fine. Somwhat. My brother just got barried, aswell as my cousin. My youngest brother had a kid this year, and my sister is busy at her job managing a lab. I remember taking them to school in the morning, now we're all mvoed out. So much other shit changed, and not all for the better. Lost my uncle to covid on January, and lost my grandmother to pancreatic cancer a few months later. To add insult to injury, our German Sheapord died over a month ago after her spleen hemeredged from a tumor we had no idea she had. Hitting the gym and going for late walks. Trying to
  10. Im tripping out on how their minds seem to literally be in sync. They finish and start each other’s sentences and even harmonize. Like despite 2 brains they talk as if it’s one brain.
  11. Im in my 30s now. Crazy to think I was chatting with you guys when I was in high school. Where does the time go? Fuck. Anyways, Im ok with where my life is at. I have an apartment about 20 minutes from the beach, and a career in 3D animation and even worked on a VR app that was unfortunately scrapped. But it pays good working for my current company. Better than Home Depot. But I do miss my home depot co workers. i still see them. We went to a Barcade last night, then tacos and had a 12 pack while chilling on a bridge overlooking the city. Til’ 4am. So I can still kick it.
  12. Damn, I stopped playing for a while(did the same with the original). Such a great game. I need more single player games like this.
  13. They had a feature in their early days that allowed you to download their videos. Downloaded this one and uploaded it to YouTube. 14 fucking years ago. lol
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