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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Lemmings only way of comparing exclusives is comparing cancelled exclusives
  2. KH was perfect as a 13 or so year old who thought FF was badass and mature and Disney was the epitome of Nostalgia. A weird mix that really worked due to time and place These days I don’t give a shit and current 13 year olds don’t care for animu and FF
  3. I gave an example. And I never made that point to begin with. I said more money for the lower class is better for the economy than a handful at the top
  4. Ghostz would’ve been the guy in the French Revolution arguing “maybe we should eat cake! Stop being lazy!”
  5. Yes, which loops around to the fact that your level of education has dropped dramatically in America the past few decades because your schools are underfunded and under skilled and people are getting dumber
  6. I might if I was making $22k per second
  7. I just gave you an example of business owners being crushed out of the frame by Amazon’s monopolisation He deserves a lot of credit and a lot of money but Amazon is now a gigantic corporation with thousands of employees. Why should one man get so much rather than providing a better distribution of pay amongst his employees? Ultimately it is what it is, nobody can force Bezos to do better but it does reflect the mindset of billionaires when they could be providing better lives for all their “wage slaves” but instead prefer to have one guy at the top sitting on the profit
  8. None of this is actually reflected in societies with good social welfare programs. And higher taxes on the rich don’t just go straight into the pockets of the poor regardless. It can go into improving schools, hospitals, roads, improving small communities. Things that a measurably proven to grow economies and improve standard of living Using it for welfare is only for those not employed and should and does only cover basic costs of living. I don’t Know how welfare works in your country but here it isn’t easy and to maintain welfare over a long period of time you need t
  9. Because I’m being taxed more I have less money. Duh But here is another way of putting it. I’ve run online e-commerce stores for the past couple of years, I and all other small vendors are competing for people’s money against the monopoly of Amazon. I make full profit selling on my own site but I have to play by Amazons rules and lose a cut of profit to sell on Amazon because they have the monopoly on online shopping. Bezos earns $22,000 per second by other people’s efforts in sourcing, creating, manufacturing products. Tell me how that is balanced? What is he doing to
  10. Because there is a limited amount of taxable money in an economy at one time. If billionaires are not being taxed enough it falls to middle and lower class to pick up the tab
  11. I think buying food, clothing, rent and other tax generating necessities, starting small businesses and improving local economies is far healthier for an economy than billionaires pushing money overseas into tax havens in amounts that a million lower class people combined won’t see in their lifetime. A prosperous lower class is far better than an elite handful of multi billionaires
  12. That person isn’t fat enough to have loose skin, especially if they are younger
  13. Genocide, authoritarianism, mass censorship, Eliminating freedom of speech, strict gun rights Sound like very right wing values
  14. I don’t understand why you righ wingers would EVER identify with Hitler. Somebody please explain it to me
  15. Did everyone you’ve ever killed come back to life?
  16. Voidler


    I liked bits of it. Mainly when you go off the main path and find interesting things to do. I liked the survival elements, hunting, scavenging, having a lot of character customisation etc. I remember randomly coming upon a washed up canoe and tested getting in thinking it wouldn’t work, next thing I know I’m riding down waterfalls and rapids But so many elements just get bogged down especially when you’re many hours in. Like forced walking around the camp or the slow ass rides between mission points. I actually ended up turning on cinematic mode after awhile because these parts wer
  17. I’m on the fence with this game looks good in some ways but definitely a victim of open world fatigue But Bend is a good dev and nearly all of their games are AA quality
  18. I’m surprised you’re not still arguing for it seeing how much you love your flop consoles with no games
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