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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. MS is trash, every team working for them is on a downward trajectory
  2. The game is most fun just enjoying it, doing co op and playing with builds. Balance is all over the place so better not to take it too seriously
  3. Sounds about right I remember the name for hermits being created because we couldn't think of a name for PC slobs for awhile
  4. I did spend a couple days just in PVP though
  5. Im 110 hours in and just got to the giants area Too much of a completionist mindset Im still going out of my way to pick up mushrooms and the lowest value runes if I see them
  6. Lmao I've been absolutely ruining the days of cheese bleed builds today I just put on the invader lure, make sure my character is naked, look the other way from invaders like I'm AFK then turn around and one shot them as they without fail try to stealth up to me Funniest shit ever
  7. Damn the lemmshits are taking this hard Literally no reason to ever buy an xbox multiplat now
  8. I love this shit The game is so unafraid of people missing things that it genuinely has things that few people will ever find
  9. MS doesn't know how to handle a good developer They are so used to shit that when a dev has high standards they dont know how to work with them
  10. You should try Demons Souls next GD You can cheese your levelling in that game too pretty easily
  11. Lmao this dude returned 10 years after Vita flopped to continue the fight against Nintendo handhelds with Steam deck?
  12. I'll do melee on my next play through Im sure you can absolutely clean up if you build tanky enough and grind levels.
  13. So MS had a new studio make Perfect Dark because all the talent has left Rare, and now the new Perfect Dark ended up falling apart and needing to be rescued with outsourcing cause all the talent left again How long until the talent flight from Bethesda and Activision?
  14. Lmao how much rune grinding did you do Im only 60 or so
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