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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. What’s funny? That he put the CPU in last?
  2. Skrilex hasn’t been popular for like ten years This old fuck lmfao
  3. Some ROMs. Not even SNES ROMs? I thought it was delayed a year and a half so they’d have something worthwhile lmfao
  4. What exactly am I getting for paying for Nintendo’s online?
  5. Ah yes the 6.0 mega flop that literally has a B-List movie actor as the MC and a Netflix movie as cutscenes is your counter point to movie games
  6. Did she die waiting for an Xbox exclusive?
  7. Is Detroit that good? I don’t normally go for that type of game
  8. TLHBO’s idea of a good game is Perfect Dark Zero We really only keep him around because he is a professional at demolishing lemmings
  9. Platforming was shit in the old games and never formed an essential part of the experience. Using a tool as a basis to derive your puzzle structures =/= bad puzzles. Your complaint is as illogical as taking issue with all Portal puzzles being based on the portal gun, all Half Life 2 puzzles being based on the gravity gun or all BOTW puzzles being based on the same three abilities you get from the start. In fact the games with better puzzles tend to be those with a simple tool used in variations of ways Complaining about the camera and threat indicator just reeks of some
  10. God of War is also my favourite non-Rocket League game this gen too. It feels tailor made for my tastes
  11. I agree. Zelda does a better job than most games though because the traversal meta is more interesting where is something like Far Cry is just “drive there kill the baddies”
  12. I liked GOW more so far but they are attempting different things. If level design is split into small scale (eg Portal), middle size (eg Arkham Asylum) and large scale (eg GTA) then there are very different things that make it good. God of War does the small and middle size well while Zelda does the large scale very well Zelda has a huge open world that you can scale anything in. So if you see something of interest it’s probably five minutes away and you might ride, climb and fly over to it. God of War limits your movements and is smaller in scale. But it rewards that
  13. Legends had the environment puzzles but was quite different in animation - Lara was flipping off shit like an acrobat in those games. These days all her movements look lifted out of Uncharted
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