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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. The key is seeing $ signs in clean energy and some countries like China have figured that out, which is why they’ve gone full steam ahead
  2. The trends align exactly to increases in industrialisation and carbon emissions. You’re arguing that’s purely coincidence? Even if “we don’t know” as you argue - why take the risk? Why not move towards clean energy in case we are fucking up the planet with the way things are done now?
  3. You need to realise that those on both extremes are morons - those who think we should ban all white males from a room and those who think blaming everything on Mexicans and Gays is intellectual discourse worthy of a University. The same types of mind sets are what lead to extremism. But these people are vocal minorities on both extremes One side is just as likely to have an aneurysm over an example of white male privilege as the other side is to throw a hissy fit because a black man kneeled or burn a Harry Potter book because it came from the devil Feminism, progressiv
  4. 1. The only people encountering issues at Universities are those peddling hate speech. Milo, Ben Shapiro etc are not academics - they are peddling internet celebrities spewing propaganda. And this isn’t a 90s kids issue - this is how Universities have been for 30+ years 2. Weakens who? How is anybody being weakened by reducing discrimination? 3. That is not how you develop allergies lmfao
  5. Lemmings port begging what else is new
  6. pwease change the rules so we can use TeamXbox, guys
  7. As I said the other day the game looks like shit and the scores reflect it I know you lemmings want something to play but you keep hyping trash
  8. You realise we all left because GS mods are dumb as dogshit, right?
  9. Oh if charizard1605 says it then it must be true
  10. Is that what your dad said when he snuck into your room as a kid?
  11. Actually I double checked - the poster was crying their eyes out because of the word “cunt” in the trailer while swearing their head off and I sarcastically said “Please don’t use sexualised insults like “fuck” and “ass”” perm ban for sexist trolling https://www.resetera.com/threads/cyberpunk-2077-gameplay-demo.64691/page-42#post-11954937 You’re right, you can’t make this shit up - and their bullshit is like a bad parody putting real progressives ten years behind. They are fucking Helen Lovejoys in disguise
  12. Called out some moron dyke who was crying that Cyberpunk wasn’t progressive enough because the MC wasn’t eating vag
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