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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Lmao now you need to learn the combat system I saw this good guide on how to get some important items you'll need as well you might want to run through Haven't done it though as I hit most of these point organically I recommend just exploring and find stuff on your own. Its the best part of the game
  2. Yeah its one or the other but if you solo ashes are important
  3. Raises defence and looks cool but mobility and shields are way more important. Which is why you'll often see good players half naked
  4. Returnal not my type of game but you'll probably like it. Make sure to play Astro. Its only like 5 hours and is really good
  5. I feel like its the most coop friendly Souls game. I definitely use it a fair bit, don't have the patience to do a boss 10 times You can also summon dogs and shit to take aggro
  6. I havent found it too hard Most deaths are pretty forgiving because its an open world and it usually respawn you close by in easy reach by horse. And you rarely ever lose your shit because its an open world and its easier to recover things than in tight corridors Only had a few weird difficulty spikes. I'm not even that good at these games, I just enjoy it and use summoning when I want the help or grind some levels. Its an RPG so you can just level up to reduce the difficulty
  7. Remember when lemmings spent a whole year bragging about teraflops
  8. I stomped Margit and now I'm getting destroyed by some random shield knight in Stormveil Which asshole designer put this enemy in?
  9. I've died more than other Souls games but mostly to the bosses and mini bosses in the world. Only because there is way more of these Your regular enemies are easier than Souls games The respawn system is also a lot more forgiving and quicker/easier to regain your stuff
  10. Honestly I just google it if I dont know what an item does. These games can be super obtuse in explaining things
  11. Wasn't enjoying it at first felt too much like every other Souls game But the more I play and explore the better it is. The amount of rewarding stuff for exploring is insane. I've barely progressed the main plot line
  12. It has the potential to never release now if we are being honest
  13. You really gonna bring up load times? PS5 WINS AGAIN
  14. Enjoy your smoothed out 40 fps PS5 - highest frame rate in quality mode, performance mode and the only option for a locked 60 FPS TLHBK
  15. 10 FPS difference What happened to 12 teraflops?😂
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