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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Reminds me a lot of when GT was great GT6 and Sport just had a sterileness about them This looks like classic GT in the best way
  2. Voidler

    Uh oh pt. 2

    Lmfao Remij thinks he's an insider now?
  3. Only on the disc version, and 6 months is only half the year. In past gens they wouldn't even expect any profit margin in the first year
  4. Halo was great with Bungie. Now it is trash Bungies next new IP in 2025 will be the modern juggernaut of the FPS genre. And will be Xcluded Welcome home, Bungie.
  5. The creator left last year and took a bunch of talent with him. Will be very surprised if it remains good
  6. Atlus are good but to buy them you'd have to buy the rest of Sega which is absolute dog shit
  7. Sega? Lmfao Sega sucks ass Capcom would be good though
  8. TLHBFK The greatest developer Xbox ever had is now Playstation exclusive Bungie is better than any developer in the entire Activision lineup The future of FPS is on playstation. Quality over quantity. Lemmings keep lining up for their 60 metacritic flops, now on a monthly basis while cows keep getting generation defining games At least you got 343 LMFAO
  9. They should have included ray tracing or something. Lighting looks ass compared to modern games
  10. Got Apple TV, Ted Lasso was great. Everything else I've tried so far is performative woke garbage For All Mankind is such a waste of a good premise
  11. Funny thing is if he didn't have his face all over this and it was just some corporate entity nothing would ever have been done
  12. I've switched to vaping for awhile now. Clothes don't stink and taste and smell improve, also no coughing Smoking is garbage but I want to quit nicotine altogether. Just don't want to deal with the cravings
  13. Wasn't his first strike, he has previously set his piss, vomit and cum on fire
  14. Paying $100 more so you can say 12 > 10 while back in reality cows play superior multiplats
  15. It started strong but fell apart hard in the last half. A more interesting movie would have been if it spent much longer in the Matrix with Neo getting himself out. And just leave Trinity dead I think the big mistake is tying the franchise to the Wachowskis, especially after they butchered 2 and 3. I think other writers and directors could do way more interesting stuff with the property
  16. Very sad, I hope her and John Madden are enjoying a warm new year in the fires of hell
  17. Nobody wants to watch your gay porn bro
  18. I know one of the devs on this game and he told me that it is never going to release and that hermshits are dumb fucks who will pour thousands of their dollars into this but won't invest in soap
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