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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. When you buy your kids things you want
  2. 1. Rocket League 2. Rocket League 3. Rocket League 4. Rocket League 5. Rocket League 6. Rocket League 7. Rocket League 8. Rocket League 9. Rocket League 10. Rocket League
  3. Lmao says this old man still playing his Nintendo at 45
  4. I was hoping it would be good but then I remember that the Wachowskis have only ever made one good movie by ripping off Anime before it was mainstream and that was before they went batshit crazy
  5. Arcade racers usually are better Nothing has topped Burnout 3 thougb
  6. GT has a livery editor now so you can paint all the waifus you want
  7. Hermshits love waiting for years without showering for a bad port
  8. Looks good, you can definitely see an advantage on PS5 in terms of assets, lighting and LOD management though
  9. Still haven't played it Just not a fan of FPS
  10. Why wouldn't it be the best? Nobody would buy it if it was 3 years late and worse than PS4
  11. I'll wait and see the sequels got too up their own ass in seriousness
  12. Game looks like something out of 2003, how embarassing
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