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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Id honestly prefer it didn't flop Lemmings have taken so many Ls and Halo was the only good thing they ever had going for them
  2. Who acts tough on that list? Eminem has never had a tough guy rap - sometimes he does the crazy persona. Snoop is a stoner who is famous for rapping his own name. Dre is a nerdy billionaire
  3. Learning from From Software, Ueda, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog and Kojima is a pretty good apprenticeship though. They can take a lot of learning from how the best devs have done things
  4. Bluepoint are great and Demons Souls was an amazing remake I hope their original content is the broken arch for Demons Souls, though if its something entirely new I would object
  5. Another PC FLOP No wonder they are so excited for 5 year old PS4 games
  6. Maybe he played the exclusives on PC and realised they are all trash and its just a console up ressing machine for thousands of dollars more
  7. He is playing the avalanche of AAAs and AAAAs that have come to PS5
  8. 1. A 2019 re-release 2. A PS4 game 3. Another PS4 game 4. A DLC for a 2020 PS4 game 5. Another PS4 game How embarrassing for you. These games must be really pushing your $5000 paper weight
  9. Just leaving the door open for you with Forza Or do you want to go down the path that games also on PC don't count for anything now? Either way you flip it, you lose
  10. PS5 continues to feast on AAAes Lemtots thought they were getting a break from the slaughter but the destruction only increases next year
  11. If they've already bought it then its paid for, just like you can still go get a disc copy. Its about continuing to sell that content They aren't stopping people from playing it anymore, they are stopping people from buying it. If there is a specific licensee who won't renew then you patch out purchases for them and that content for anybody buying the game new They won't do that because nobody plays it
  12. No they would just patch out anything that can't be renewed. Stop making excuses
  13. They would renew the licenses if anyone was playing or buying it still
  14. I play Rocket League and Sony games. Nothing else comes close
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