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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Yeah Art style is weaker and lighting looks way flatter. Obviously made some cut backs to make it open world
  2. Your taste in games is awful
  3. It looks graphically worse than Sekiro and Bloodborne IMO
  4. Sounds like a stale mate in which case the obvious answer is to ban Gamedrunk
  5. Sorry Jehurey Looks like I lost. But I'm man enough to own up and take Jehurey being banned for a week @-GD-X make it a week and a half as Halo co op and forge are delayed too
  6. Hope it sells well. 3D platformers are killing it lately
  7. I liked the first hour or so but just stopped playing and never got back to it The start didnt really hook me and I really feel like Kojima wastes himself on these open world / resource managing games
  8. The best thing about Halo Infinite is that the hermits will be raped when it flops now as well
  9. Please go and explain how appeal to tradition is wrong in this case?
  10. Co op is the best part of Halo. I remember we all used to do co op here for Halo 3 It made what was a pretty boring single player game 10 times better Literally the only part of Halo that ever really caught my attention 343 doesn't get Halo at all
  11. Whats the point if she can't fuck you in the ass?
  12. No AAAe since 2013 and you're talking
  13. So you made a thread that is going to amount to NOTHING in real world metrics Sorry to burst your bubble you must have been excited by your twitter poll Retardij
  14. So your thread translates to literally nothing. Halo the least relevant FPS Owned you stupid fuck
  15. Lmao so what are you trying to claim based on this poll? You are trying to claim people are more excited for Halo Infinite but that it will sell less? Do you see how stupid this thread is? When COD and BF outsell it by double you can say "but a poll of 7000 people were excited for Halo ;(" Fucking kill yourself
  16. You literally made the thread comparing the 3 Remtard
  17. Yet it will sell the least by a wide margin
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