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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Wtf you crossed a line, dont attack the GOAT like that
  2. Yeah it got pretty bad there like Stormfront and an Incel forum had a baby But they've cleaned out the trash recently and banned all politics
  3. No Blizzard is a dead company like every company who tried to do PC exclusive
  4. Yeah in a forum full of closet racists he mask slipped and went full neo nazi Got personally banned by the forum owner Post in thread 'Muckraking Tabloid Journalist Jason Schreier upset at a new game studio "Lacking Diversity in 2021"' https://www.neogaf.com/threads/muckraking-tabloid-journalist-jason-schreier-upset-at-a-new-game-studio-lacking-diversity-in-2021.1615353/post-264345569
  5. I think it looks cool except the analog stick positioning looks awful They should have left off the touch pads and just had analog sticks
  6. Hows that perm ban from NeoGAF treating you?
  7. Apple have too much power. They are the only ones on the world who know if Ghostz has a face or not
  8. @Substatic dont get on the Jerry&Remi-go-round
  9. Incredible, and glad to see this is never coming to PosC
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