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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Voidler

    My dog

    Way to make an even shittier post than Cooke
  2. Playstation and Nintendo gamers keeping the industry alive while hermslobs and lemmings ruffle for change under their couch to afford some pop tarts with a Gamepass subscription
  3. After a diabolical couple weeks with states across the America banning PC and Valve abandoning PC to focus on handheld gaming, now Epic are losing massive amounts of money thanks to PC https://techraptor.net/gaming/news/130m-loss-expected-for-epic-games-store-exclusives-in-first-wave Only a matter of time until Epic follow Valve and abandon PC as a platform
  4. Like what? You are talking out of your ass
  5. I applaud him for taking advantage of hermsmell stupidity The same idiots who waste $5000 on upgrades every year to play 2-3 year old console ports designed for 2012 hardware. And they do this every year
  6. Wrong you little bitch ass bitch boy https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1WP8o9zk5XA0EuFecVcmFkDGim5KxwShrEPYgDXpO76c/htmlview
  7. Not Sony or Nintendo, just Xbox and PC sites
  8. Looks and plays like hot shit from my experience Expecting 7s across the board
  9. So far - Ratchet and Clank By end of the year- Rocket League
  10. Looks like a typical gamepass game
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