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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I hate Xbox but I have to admit that looks incredible and it holds up so well This shits all over every other game from 2003 in visuals and gameplay
  2. Hermits are the definition of lazy
  3. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.iheart.com/alternate/amp/2021-07-27-high-end-gaming-computers-banned-in-6-states-due-to-california-energy-bill/ PC is now a dead platform. What a blow, in addition to having no exclusives and begging consoles for ports it now is being banned across the country and soon the world Good to see law makers recognise that PC is bad for society and start to ban them from sale
  4. They bought it so their AAA studios don't ever have to touch the slapped together ports they'll be milking the hermshits for. The excitement for second class gaming
  5. You knew them before? Hermits really are the ghetto breed of gamers. Even lemmings and sheep have enough dignity to not get excited for 5 year late ports
  6. You are bragging that not only are these ports five years late but now they are made by an unknown B-team as well
  7. I think it was pretty good for Australia when we had the Sydney Olympics
  8. I used to like the Olympics but it feels like a bit of a weird year All the COVID stuff, the empty opening ceremony and who are the top tier Olympians? No Usain Bolt or Phelps. Maybe somebody will step up That Gymnast Simone Biles is pretty good though
  9. Holy shit how are there still 144 mullion of you
  10. One of the best selling and most iconic systems ever vs some ugly nerd game gear looking shit
  11. Looks like they sent every exclusive on the system to him as well
  12. Lmao that tattoo is such shitty quality
  13. Nah the game is a disaster. MP will be ready, the single player delay is only a matter of time
  14. Yeah if I win Jehurey gets banned if you win Jehurey gets banned
  15. I heard that about Halo, massive development issues.
  16. And Horizon. Three AAAes vs two flops
  17. Flight sim is a 2020 PC game
  18. This thing was such a meme gold mine and it just dropped out of nowhere with an xbox in the background lmao
  19. Damn that was a good head of hair Trying to stay an Xbox fan throughout last gen must have destroyed it
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