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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Damn that's all of their Gears 5 profits lost to one scammer
  2. Who gives a fuck when they are going to Anthem both series
  3. I dont see how you make a graphic like that by accident
  4. Yeah places like Kiwifarms are the real shit holes of the internet. No surprise to learn that Deeno is obviously a frequent poster there after being banned from everywhere else They seem to delight in picking on mentally challenged people who struggle enough in their day to day. I seem to recall that they put that autistic Sonic guy through hell and probably still are
  5. Why?only one of them has made a AAAe in the last five years
  6. The talent of people I've worked with has never been decided by gender or race. I've met a ton of talented women in my work Im sure the gaming industry is filled to the brim with women who are very talented Are diversity quotas filling up spaces with less talented people who fit a certain criteria? Who knows. I would theorise that there are more people than ever trying to break into the industry that is only getting smaller in the amount of studios The thing that irritates me is the necessity to try and make certain genres and game types into appealing to w
  7. If you sat on Pluto and watched a live stream from Earth on a light speed internet connection it would be delayed by 5 hours. Are you suddenly a time traveller then too?
  8. You think Pluto is in another galaxy? You are one dumb mother fucker And that's not time travel, that's just the delay of light speed
  9. Pretty sure there are multiple instances where its obvious GS haven't finished a game they review
  10. This is the stupidest thing ever posted on this forum
  11. MS sure knows how to pick the duds
  12. Id be fine with it differing But there are smart ways you can do it. New locations and cities without screwing with the foundations The whole storyline they came up with to make it different was so arbitrary
  13. Lemmings don't buy games and hermsmells pirate them
  14. Halo is going to bomb so hard Wonder if they will hide the sales numbers again
  15. FFXIV / XVI team gets it. XVI looks way better than any of the other crap they've put out recently
  16. The game is a mess, improving the graphics to be acceptable for last gen standards isn't going to change the rotten core of the game Simple fact is 343 are a mediocre dev, and the best they can hope for is to copy the notes of Bungie
  17. Halo 4 also a total mess and they screwed up MCC so bad it took years to fix But now the game they had to delay a year because it looked so bad and had to revamp the key senior staff to save it from being a complete mess is the course correction
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