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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Seeing as we are giving credit where its due Good work lemmings at being so patient about having no games
  2. yeah master chief talking to Cortana was so hype
  3. Sony just shit all over them with the Horizon demo two weeks before then had multiple AAA releases that people are playing during E3. And apparently a new conference/SOP in two weeks Talk about walking all over MS
  4. Werrent lemmings hyping up stealing a Kojima game?
  5. Holy shit that was bad MS are the masters of disappointment. Billions spent on acquisitions and this is the tripe they deliver? LMAO
  6. Im a bit shocked how much I'm enjoying this game, bought it but only expected an average game I've never been the biggest Ratchet fan but this game is really firing on all cylinders Even the writing which I found so cringe it was hard to play in the 2016 game, is way better here Its not going to challenge Mario for platforming but it still does a decent job there, I'd say its actually more of a legit good third person shooter and constantly creative and fun
  7. Said the unwashed hermshit who sits up all night refreshing new egg to waste money on the newest trash from Nvidia
  8. Glad to see Netflix are correcting the creative decisions of the racist Japanese creators and ensuring there are no white people in this
  9. This is what happens when they start bringing them back to xbox
  10. It is random, they just reuse a bucket of assets to match map data And it mostly comes out looking like shit
  11. LMAO last gen ass game developed with Xbox One S in mind looks better than Ratchet Do you believe your own nonsense
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