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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. We are Meanwhile PC has so little to play that all you do is port beg PS5 games
  2. Hermits, like lemmings, love waiting for promises and wasting money on hardware that never gets exclusives
  3. Damn CDPR (and hermshits by extent) are scummy
  4. They've undermined any enthusiasm for more announcements by not having release any games 7 months into the gen and after all the acquisitions hype More announcements is just more fluff with no substance. And I think with regards to Bethesda people are still going to quite tentative on getting excited for it after Fallout 76 There are ways they can garner hype though. Working with Kojima, From Software. Maybe bringing Epic back to Gears or Bungie back to Halo. Devs with legit credentials, not the scrap heap devs they picked up before they went out of busines
  5. Ok you change your name colour and fakeboy for a few days every six months
  6. Holy shit never seen anyone admit to this. Admits to 3 months of work for shilling Cyberpunk in a rage quit. What a bad look for CDPR https://www.neogaf.com/threads/my-final-post.1609331/
  7. What do you expect from a himbo who changes his faction every 6 months
  8. Sony bought into their parent company so I doubt we will see much if any marketing cooperation with MS
  9. Look how quickly Ghostz is turning on Xbox Did playing an emulator box get old that quick?
  10. MS is just asking for Sony to go make another store front that beats their own on PC
  11. No campaign? Then wtf did i just watch? Those aren't even cutscenes or scripted events?
  12. The only thing they should learn is you can make mature themed games and platformer games at the same time I could care less if they crunch
  13. Agree but not as futuristic, needs the vibes if the first game
  14. The first Jak is probably the best platformer Sony ever made. It just had responsiveness and game feel that was well above Ratchet at the time. It also had some genuinely funny writing A lot of people say Jak 2 sucked and I can see what they mean in retrospect, the open world wasn't that well done and edgy Jak was a bad idea. But that all vibed with me at like 14 or whatever I was Jak 3 was a return to form but I think Jak 2 burned a lot of bridges I would like to see Jak get a PS5 game, I think it would be a genuinely hype revival if they gave it the same s
  15. I was never big on Ratchet. I enjoyed them enough but Jak was always superior IMO
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