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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Go draw some re8 fan art to jerk off to
  2. TLHBK ANOTHER AAAE BANGER PS5 already has more AAAes than Xbox One ever received
  3. Damn that’s fire makes me think I could rap Poopy poopy you can eat the chum from my bum bum
  4. They are never going to hit something like Naughty Dog levels with that stuff. I can’t think of an open world game doing what you described any better except maybe RDR2, but that comes at a huge expense of responsiveness
  5. I thought so but after watching the 4K stream it is on point
  6. Lemmings literally doctoring videos now? I guess why not when you have nothing to play
  7. You live in an absolute fantasy world. PS5 got a new AAAe just a few weeks ago. We got a multitude of AAs and AAAs at launch Xbox. Nothing released and nothing on the immediate horizon Xbox is busy improving the games nobody cares about last gen - why would anybody care about playing Crackdown 3 at a higher FPS now? Meanwhile we are getting upgrades to the exclusives people actually enjoyed last gen, including recent 60 FPS updates to two of the best games of last gen
  8. True All I need is Rocket League, From Software and Sony first party MGS and GTA used to be in that mix but are dead in the water now. And maybe the occasional JRPG
  9. Because MS announced CG trailers years away
  10. Sony isn’t doing an E3 showcase maybe we will get a State of Play for God of War though
  11. Wahlberg is in it because he has been the one pushing the movie to be made since the start I think he was probably going to be Drake originally but he’s obviously aged out of the part
  12. Tom Holland is 24 he just has a baby face And Wahlberg is 50 but dyes his hair and works out like a beast (plus obvious testosterone supplements) so looks 20 years younger The age difference is fine and they could make it work but the costume and makeup is all wrong. How hard is it to stick a mustache, a Hawaiian shirt and some grey hairs on Wahlberg?
  13. Voidler


    True cause there’s nothing to play
  14. Voidler


    Yeah you only need to wipe off two fingerprints max One from when it was turned on the first time and the second when it was turned off six months ago when you realised it had no games
  15. Voidler


    Paying $500 then $120 every year to relive having no games last gen through BC
  16. Xbox fans are now so detached from games they need people to explain how to enjoy them
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