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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. The barrel is scraped through and you’ve hit the ground beneath
  2. It’s sucks Berserk will never finish now. I kind of got over waiting years ago though, his health probably sucked for a long time its not like a novel where sometimes another good author can come in and continue the work Maybe some notes exist for the story but you can’t replicate the quality and imagination that goes into the art Now I just hope the authors for One Piece and Hajime no Ippo are still in good health
  3. Sony games so overrated he can’t stop port begging them
  4. I’ve always said MS games are crap, I’ve always said Bethesda games are crap. Stop crying because nobody is excited for them to combine into a bigger pile of crap
  5. Holy shit I broke him. He got passed his Xbox 360 era Halo vs Killzone and Forza vs GT drivel and then got to the complete delusions. Straight up Deeno quality
  6. Where have I argued that? I could care less if they go exclusive, every game I’ve tried from them since Skyrim has been awful. Im here to pop that inflated sense of confidence and bring you lemtots back to reality with how mediocre the MS first party really is
  7. Yet you couldn’t debunk any of it MS is made up of a bunch of mediocre devs plus the Forza teams. If they were third party nobody would claim to give a shit about what they make, and we know that because Bethesda was a laughing stock before the acquisition
  8. id Software - should make a good new Doom game MachineGames - recent games have bombed Tango Gameworks - making a PS5 game, won’t have an Xbox exclusive for years Arkane Studios - making a PS5 exclusive. Won’t have an Xbox exclusive for years Bethesda Game Studios - nothing but recent flops 343 Industries - good for one game per gen and not a good one Compulsions Games - who? Double Fine Productions - notoriously slow development and next game is multiplat inXile Entertainment - just finished Wasteland 3, next game a few years away Mojang Studios -
  9. Where is EA and Ubisoft’s never ending stream of games? They should be rolling in AAAs and GOTYs by your logic
  10. It will be great when we have a 60 Metacritic game to laugh at every month
  11. Another 50 Metacritic flop from Bethesda incoming
  12. You think other markets are better for Xbox? newsflash: it’s even worse and why would the split be any different for RE7? Xbox One got dominated just the same
  13. So you’re saying PS is carrying the market? Sounds about right And RE8 has sold 80% on PlayStation so your figures for Xbox are laughable More likely 7.5 million PS, 750k PC and 750k Xbox
  14. PC is such a tiny market Lucky PlayStation exists to carry these third parties making AAA games to success
  15. Team ICO was gone years ago when Ueda left which really just left the Gravity Rush and Astro team plus their outsourcing The Gravity Rush team is sacked and they are restructuring around an expanded Astro team
  16. They are restructuring Sony Japan not eliminating it They’ve let go of a group of people who have produced nothing but flops so continuing on with that strategy was not going to produce success. We will see if what comes out of the restructure is better
  17. I don’t mean remote play, it would be a hybrid like Switch capable of playing PS5 and PS4 games. Which would help solve the issue of lack of resources for games Like you mentioned they kind of dabbled on how it could work with remote play but the tech is getting better and better to allow hybrid modes, resolution up scaling etc. than when Vita came out MS managed to fit a downscaled Series X into a tiny box at launch so maybe it’s a possibility as a mid gen refresh option
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