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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. This is the problem with right wingers trying to discuss politics. They eventually just go full retard and start taking about the IQ of blacks people
  2. Meanwhile lemtots are busy locking their whole gaming catalog to an online rental service with online check ins
  3. Sony pulled all of their talent off the project and somehow still out scores every Xbox exclusive in years
  4. The bargain bin at GameStop is more pro consumer than the full priced section as well
  5. Lmao Askren looked like he did literally no training Just took millions of Logan Paul’s money for a punch in the face
  6. Microsoft is definitely winning the fanboy dreams debate as they have for the last five years Meanwhile Sony are actually putting out games and outselling Microsoft
  7. You mean like how MS are shutting down Halo servers?
  8. Free? Try $180 a year this absolute chump is going to pay over $1000 this gen just to keep his library
  9. Voidler


    UK and Australian boomers are the biggest retards you’ll ever meet when it comes to the royals
  10. Too busy working on their next 5.0 PoptartsPass flop
  11. Who writes about themselves in the third person?
  12. What have they pulled off? Having the lowest sales, worst first party and a weaker more expensive console?
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