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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Yeah they were basically a handheld developer plus Ueda. And with Ueda gone what’s the point of them? Its the Gravity Rush losers getting the axe. Gravity Rush 2 was 4 years ago and was a flop. They’ve been sitting around for half a decade doing nothing The only part of Sony Japan doing anything worthwhile has been Team Asobi and now Studio Japan will be restructured around them
  2. GR2 was ass and TLG was such a disaster it had to move generations to run functionally and Ueda left, probably due to the team incompetence at Japan Studios Nearly every other Sony dev had a huge generation, Studio Japan did basically nothing
  3. Wish Australia would legalise it
  4. These guys were useless. They didn’t do anything all of last gen and lost their MVP, Ueda, in the process The best stuff on their resume was outsourced to From Software, Bluepoint etc Surprised it took so long for Sony to cut out the dead wood
  5. Haha sure showed them for wanting equality. We can beat them up!
  6. Lmao edge lords with anger issues against women
  7. Fuck that dude Closed fist, right hand to her face maybe broke her nose cause of her little baby slaps Hope she has a family member who goes and ducks him up
  8. SW is really just Nintendo vs Sony at this point
  9. Only Xbox fans feel victory for no longer being excluded
  10. Who cares they haven’t made a good game in 10 years
  11. That’s some S-rank cringe content, I’ve got to watch more thank god for incels
  12. Launch years suck GOW and Horizon will definitely be delayed
  13. Wow 35 years and it got demolished already by the 5 year old Rocket League
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