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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. This is the data from the first video VGTech did https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1jwAaYU3jbvHABVJuofDMvLEHrVYogojvkri6s29Cru8/htmlview So it either changed or it didn't Both NXG and DF have confirmed it didn't
  2. Your data was taken with the issue that John mentioned at the start of the DF tech review, that the patch seemed to have caused performance issues until he reset his PS5 after install and performance was back to normal. Both DF and NXGamer have now reviewed the patch and said there is no performance change since the last patch except the first cutscene. If the PS5 had gone from next to no issues to dropping into the low 50s, they would have mentioned it
  3. Their first analysis said the lowest resolution they counted on PS5 was 1440p, and nothing has changed here So where are you getting sub 1440p from?
  4. Lemmings were promising 40 fps advantage and a huge gulf. The fact they are getting all games performing worse is hilarious. It wasn't cows basing their whole purchasing decision on best multiplats
  5. You can actually watch the video, PS5 average is higher (its a moving number) and it doesn't dip as low
  6. PS5 is more powerful so this is the expected result
  7. Doesn't matter how confident you make your statement, port begging is port begging
  8. Oh you see @Goukosan if you port beg with a self deluded confidence then its not port begging
  9. You were literally port begging 5 posts before I quoted you.
  10. This is the guy spending thousands a year for up resed PS4 ports and begging in every thread for Sony exclusives to come to PC
  11. Who is the GOAT? I'd have to say @Bodycount for combination of longevity and hilarity
  12. No I asked if YOU would be giving him a pass on everything he does. Then you've attempted to abstract it to everything and everyone in the party You came waltzing into the thread declaring Yellen was a progressive because she had the backing of PCCC. As if that settled the matter. I brought in the counter argument that PCCC does not represent progressive interests and then you've gone on some ridiculous Jehurey esque tangent about purity tests on Biden You think I dont know that progressives will hold him to a higher standard? No shit, where did I say otherwise?
  13. What goals? Nothing I mentioned is in his agenda besides vague COVID relief promises and vague concessions on climate change action And yeah they are going to get shit for appealing to progressives and then turning face when the vote isn't needed anymore Besides, this isn't even to do with Biden. He never claimed to be progressive at any point, quite the opposite in fact. So you pretending he is going to be hitting goals for progressives and we will criticise him anyway is just delusional He is not picking any progressives in his cabinet and thinking otherwi
  14. Lol @ you trying to equate tan suits with the policy agenda that progressives care about. The usual disingenuous false equivelancies of a neoliberal sycophant Biden could wear sweat pants every day for all I care if it meant Medicare 4 all, aggressive action on climate change, taxing the 1%, reducing college debt, getting out of the wars, COVID relief, rent relief, action on police brutality But as long as "nothing will fundamentally change" then progressives will be there to ask why
  15. You've been running purity tests for the last 4 years about the office of President non stop so don't start throwing stones in a glass house And yeah, I have issue with people and organisations calling themselves progressive but not standing for the progressive agenda. It is important because Democrats, largely, have made it clear they don't stand for progressive policy that the country overwhelmingly supports- and specifically a Biden administration will be centrist incrementalism It is important because Democrats LOVE to blame Progressives. So let's be pe
  16. The former Reaganite republican who became a Democrat at age 47? The person who spent her life lying about her ethnicity and is constantly called out for lies about her life (by her own family no less) - eg that her dad was a janitor The one who refused to endorse the only other progressive in the race, twice. And in fact stayed in well past due with no chance of winning, splitting the progressive vote Yeah, highly grifty. Riding off having one of the few correct responses to Wall Street in the Great Recession I suggest watching Michael Moore 's podcast on
  17. I dont recall him doing something so disgusting As far as I'm concerned lemmings don't exist
  18. You gonna spend 4 years sucking his dick on every decision made?
  19. The game looks like shit from a pure aesthetic stand point Everyone wants to play as Marvel super heroes But nobody wants to play as them if they look like retarded B-tier versions of the movies Thats what Spiderman did right, they went with their own version of Peter Parker Either get the actual actors or be original
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