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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Im sure I'd be bitter about next gen if I was dumb enough to buy an Xbox Series X as well
  2. VRR just sync your TV refresh rate to the lower frame rate, it doesn't eliminate the lower frame rate
  3. Polished trash Will wait for them to do a real next gen version
  4. Says the guy buying controllers and clicking the buttons with no games for his impressions
  5. Its so fucking sad The dev clearly predicted tools would be lemmings damage control in 6 months and decided to lie
  6. Oh so MS made him say "I've never worked on a console launch, where while we are months away from release, the tools are this mature, this stable, this easy to work with"? And now you're accusing him of lying? Listen to yourself. Your whole damage control is falling apart, and now all you can do is call the source a liar. So sad
  7. He voluntarily brought up how good they are. Are you actually accusing him of lying for Microsoft PR? Because that is EVEN WORSE
  8. Holy fuck you are dumb. Geoometry and tessellation don't affect performance
  9. Onr you aren't even showing ingame performance. Second, performance impact is relatice to hardware strength. By the strained logic you're attempting, ultra settings on Xbox One S would only be 6 FPS!
  10. The fuck are you showing me the frame rate of a menu on your PC? Did I say PS5 is more powerful than your PC?
  11. Jk https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2020/06/10/inside-xbox-series-x-optimized-dirt-5/ June 10 2020
  12. Your damage control is so bad right now. At least the lemmings are smart enough to avoid these threads. You though, not so bright
  13. Lmao in the menu, and hardly on comparable hardware And the tessellation, texture quality, resolution, environment detail are all significantly lowered on Series X
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