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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I've got bad news for you
  2. I love the easter eggs, its easily the most appreciative I've ever seen Sony about their own history. So much nostalgia in there
  3. MS had the worst version of a game they had paid marketing for The writing is on the wall. MS have launched a paper weight
  4. Try using your eyes Look how low res everything is on Series X. Look how much more detail there is on PS5 in the face, the armour. Far more clarity on distant objects on PS5, you can barely even make out the detail on the wood and pillars on Series X It is $100 more. You can buy a $399 PS5, Series X starts at $499. You dont deal with reality very well do you?
  5. Worse textures, lower resolution, screen tearing, slower loading "Its a wash" All for $100 more
  6. - Both are quite good at keeping 60FPS (in the area he tested) - PS5 is vsynced, XSX is not - Dynamic res on both with ~1440p as the lowest limit on XSX, 1620P lowest on PS5 - PS5 loads 12% faster Xbox also has worse textures: Summary: Worse version of multiplats coming to a Series X near you. Worse textures, worse loading, constant tearing, lower dynamic resolution. Cannot even manage the best version of a paid marketing game Add that on to worse last gen controller, no exclusives and last gen UI. Please pay $100 more than
  7. I remember the vague worlds and some of the bosses but have completely forgotten the level design layouts and enemy tactics so its pretty fresh again
  8. Yeah Astro is absolutely gold. So fun to play, so many Easter eggs I found this little one which I loved (small Easter egg spoiler) And you're 100% right about the dualsense. The amount of precision they can put into the vibration creates such a unique sensation, and the kick back they can do in the triggers too.
  9. You will be able to, there just aren't any currently released SSDs fast enough for the spec
  10. I literally just posted all of the progressive agenda which National exit polls showed overwhelming support for
  11. He did average to poor throughout the debates, early on he was really struggling to string together a coherent thought. I dont think he "won" a debate all Primary season, at best he had quiet nights with no major gaffes which would be considered a good night as he had the poll lead While he did well against Bernie, Bernie is also just a nice guy. He never went hard on Biden, in fact he constantly called him "my good friend". Which was foolish in a debate for Presidency The question was whether Biden could face up to Trump when anything could be thrown at him. Fortunatel
  12. I dont recall that, if I said anything like that it was before COVID changed the landscape of the election In a hypothetical non COVID election we still have Trump riding high on populist support. Bernie was the only candidate with a similar grass roots upswell I dont believe winning a Primary is the same as winning a general election, where its registered DNC voters who are likely to favour the safe option in a field of candidates rather than a 1v1. Especially when you had record older voter turnout who simply outpopulated the youth support Bernie had Berni
  13. The facts dont back you up. Progressives are winning wherever they get the chance to run. The DNC itself is the biggest hurdle for progressives Guess what? People like Democrats to actually act like leftist politicians, not watered down Republicans. Independents and swing voters decide elections and they flock towards progressives where they are up for election
  14. Bullshit If I ever said anything like that, it was Pre-COVID and Biden didn't even look like the nominee up until South Carolina - so I really doubt I was criticising him specifically.q I have criticised Biden and Kamala's records, and criticised the way the DNC and Obama orchestrated during the Primaries. But almost everybody in the DNC Primary field would have beaten Trump with the way 2020 has gone. That said, I expected it could unravel at a debate but Biden did way better in the debates against both Bernie and Trump than I expected so he gets points for
  15. You realise both can be wrong, right? And he switched stances AFTER the immense backlash and unpopularity of the war. Democrats were running their campaigns at the time as anti Iraq war He doesn't get points for switching his stance well after the damage was done and towing the party line
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