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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Thats some BS, the PS4 game looks a lot better than that in past years
  2. Irrelevant. Biden cutting off his own advantages just for the virtue signalling How in the fuck is he the greatest existential threat ever, but also we wish him well and will suspend our campaign while he is in a hospital his taxes didn't pay for Democrats too busy tripping over their own feet to make themselves look good
  3. Trump is still full steam ahead with ads while Biden suspends Dumbest fucking political party on earth
  4. Trump has turned the tables on Biden with the Coronavirus kamikaze! Wait... what's this? BY GAWD ITS BERNIE SANDERS
  5. Bernie would have murdered Trump in this debate. Biden is useless
  6. Joke of the industry a week ago, now everybody has forgotten how good their games are
  7. Game looks pretty rough in frame rate at points. Hope the next gen patches dont take long
  8. Middle class liberals love their symbolic gestures and they hate Rogan for endorsing Bernie
  9. Who cares about those trash ass games, Fallout 76 is one of the worsr games this gen. More bargain bin Gamepass content with new and exciting bugs
  10. You do know Forbes contributor articles are just public blog posts right?
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