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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Most countries respect them without the bullshit virtue signalling "respect da troops" that every American seems to do Ironically it seems Americans have no issue with them going through PTSD, becoming homeless etc. But make sure you clap for them when they walk past in an airport
  2. Damn MS fails again Who could have seen this coming?
  3. Remember when Konami made games
  4. Ratchet 1 and Jak 1 make me really nostalgic
  5. Explosive device? It was a plastic bag. You are such pussies https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.insider.com/rittenhouse-killed-protester-after-they-threw-plastic-bag-prosecutors-2020-8%3famp
  6. Really sad. You can tell a black superhero meant a lot to the black community and then in the middle of BLM. Particularly cruel
  7. He basically turned the Democrats into lite Republicans. They actively drove out the FDR Democrats. The Crime Bill was an awful piece of legislation passed by his admin that has ruined lives across America. NAFTA destroyed the industrial Midwest and turned the entire area into Republicans He also oversaw the greatest era of banking and Wall st deregulation. Particularly Glass Steagal which allowed the mixing of commercial and investment banking. Which is reason #1 for the GFC
  8. Why don't they make a Superman movie that is upbeat and positive like the comic?
  9. It was a slap in the face to the progressive part of their base Fucking Colin Powell. Imagine the self own of letting Trump get to the left of you on war
  10. PC never gets the same results for the same hardware as console. There is always an extra cost on PC performance Results will be a wash What hardware releases in years to come to improve performance is as irrelevant as saying PS5 or Xbox will get 120fps when the Pro derivatives come out in a few years
  11. Not really. But it does highlight how stupid the resolution and frame rate argument is when everybody and their mother will sacrifice resolution and frame rate before other graphical settings PC users are only generally discussing 4k and 120fps because they are running games built for 2012 hardware. You won't be getting that on next gen multiplats
  12. So does PC. Except PC hasn't had a showcase graphics game for years until Flight Simulator Now you're all fine chopping the fidelity to 1080p sub 60 fps, or 30 fps for 4k.
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