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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. That fucking loser who won't shut up about rocket league
  2. Reheat Pizza on a pan with a lid Keeps bottom crispy and top heats up
  3. Well I just took my pup out for a walk and he decided to go munch down on some other dogs shit
  4. Why does it feel like every AA dev is so unoriginal? Now since GOW every game down to Dirt 5 had to be in a Nordic environment while the rest were just uninspired Ripley Scott rip offs And every game Bandai Namco makes looks like the exact same Anime shit with clashing environments
  5. Got a puppy "It eats shit no pics lol,"
  6. Government is a representation of the people, or it should be. Thats why we vote for representatives and pay taxes, so they can ensure a smoothly functioning society. Instead homelessness is rampant and fools like you buy into the notion that its not the Governments responsibility while you still pay them nearly half your income in taxes Domestic charity is just an aberration caused by a poorly functioning Government. I see maybe a half dozen homeless people a year in Australia. When I was in America I was shocked. I saw them on almost every street I went to
  7. There are only homeless because your social safety nets are broken. Your taxes being paid are being funnelled into endless war and being exploited by socialism for billionaires rather than helping the very society paying taxes
  8. He does. He pays as much or a higher % if his pay into taxes than the wealthy
  9. Why bring up Rocket League in a thread that has nothing to do with it?
  10. The next game overworld needs to go BOTW style. Open up the rest of the continent as an open world. The rest of the towns are all small so it needs to be a different type of game
  11. Check out the capitalist bootlickers in this thread
  12. Thats my point though. Devs have been running Ray tracing and then faking the results in game for years. So we are never going to be blown away with it because we have been seeing games with 99% close to real lighting for years. And I expect devs will be using a mix of pre baked and ray tracing moving forward because of the performance costs
  13. Devs have gotten really good at faking realistic lighting that RT just feels like it's correcting some bugs in lighting and reflections rather than a revolution I do like the idea that once it's up and being used though it will make development easier and great lighting more if a standard feature. I don't think the best devs will end up with a major leap forward in what is presented on screen
  14. Glad you saved rocket league for number 1
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