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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Konami don’t care about games anymore, they are all in on gambling
  2. Why don’t they try getting one game out the door that doesn’t flop and sell like crap before expanding
  3. It was but there was a lot packed into that short period. Conor planned yo start hard and fast (despite saying he’d conserve energy), we also saw he was gunning for a head kick and had a really unique tactic to combat the clinch which Cowboy was sure to use He also planned to target that broken nose which worked well.
  4. holy fuck That was intense feel for Cowboy there
  5. I liked MGS5 but it’ll be the first time since PS1 that an MGS game isn’t in my top 5
  6. lmao BS Of course they saw the writing on the wall that everyone would wait
  7. What’s the point of these journalists guarding secrets of this apparent acquisition unless they are under NDA?
  8. Will they still do a conference around the same time? Or maybe it’s just the one major unveiling event
  9. They also have the lowest birth rate in the world. Nintendo domination and giving up the will to sustain future human life. Coincidence?
  10. Meanwhile Trump has avoided every Correspondents Dinner since he got roasted
  11. This seems like a good idea. Chasing pixel increases at the expense of other features and frame rate is such a waste
  12. So it’s the best game in the genre then
  13. Why did it slaughter the rest in scores and GOTY awards then?
  14. Top 4 should just be God of War games
  15. They also run the risk of being shut down once they lose independence
  16. It wouldn’t make sense really for any dev in Japan to go to MS unless they are content selling sub 10k for the rest of their existence in Japan
  17. Didn’t this shit literally get adapted into both a movie and a game?
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