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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I actually like the design and it seems like it makes a lot of sense for cooling
  2. Anything that doesn’t have a release date already is as much chance of being 2021
  3. PS3 was more powerful it just had a shockingly bad development environment and documentation. The power advantage was there when devs used it Luckily Sony ironed out those issues
  4. Not surprising. MS can’t compete with Sony on hardware if they don’t go with a delay of a year
  5. Yeah but those have been games that are extremely audio heavy like RDR2
  6. That doesn’t make sense SSD closes a bottle neck. The speed of HDD will increase a lot more than the size of games next gen - which will actually start to become limited by Blu Ray capacities
  7. Yes, they’ve coopted the left. Most on the left think these people are lunatics
  8. Sony Bend went from handheld to a massive open world. Monster Hunter and Dragon Quest also had massive leaps forward Gamefreak just don’t give a shit. No ambition
  9. MS have picked up these decent devs and greenlit whatever trash half baked idea they had lying around that would have been rejected by every publisher while they were third party
  10. I bought my laptop for this. Hope it’s good
  11. Rare: “so we have a new game pitch for you” MS: “ok It’s been 10 years since you’ve come up with something good and original, so let’s hear it” Rare: “have you ever watched Princess Mononoke?” MS: “yeah?” Rare: “that’s the whole pitch...”
  12. Is this worth picking up without internet connectivity? My new place isn’t hooked up yet
  13. This is coming out? Why is the facial animation so awful lmao. It’s like they didn’t try with that
  14. Looks like the type of lineup Phil ‘the fraud’ Harrison would assemble
  15. I find it odd how famous he seems to be. I even heard them talking about him by name on the radio yesterday. He definitely didn’t have this notoriety 10 years ago and MGS1-3 were more like 7-8 million sellers
  16. Man that Shadow Moses part hits me in the nostalgia Amazing that MGS4 is now older than MGS was when MGS4 released
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