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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I just rewatched City of God. Probably the best movie ever
  2. It’s not that good. In fact they pretty much butchered the manga story so it is confusing as fuck But it was revolutionary in animation, both in quality and being a more mature themed animation. The setting is also bad ass
  3. These remakes are pointless and stupid. Maybe good for one interesting side glance, but if I’m ever in the mood to go back and watch Lion King or Alladin I’ll be watching the real thing
  4. LMAO. Bodycount has upped the ante for lemming rape. He is using all the hardcore Xbox fanboy information he hoped cows and sheep would never find to destroy Xbox
  5. Rumor: Deeno has already run her through his deep fake porn
  6. Presentation. Not necessarily graphics but more setting, art style, music, and narrative in a creative scenario. If the core concepts of the game are not interesting to me, even fantastic gameplay wont save it Pacing. Hugely important to me, I’ll easily drop a game. But if it’s well paced and keeps me invested I don’t care if it’s 3 hours or 30 hours. Don’t waste my time with padding and shit. It’s why I struggle to complete open world games Gameplay. Tight gameplay with enough depth to feel rewarding. My favourite games all fit in where they bring these three
  7. My last few jobs have been pretty flexible with WFH days. I feel like I get way more done at home and can also throw in some home chores when I’m in that “work mode”.
  8. Voidler


    He’s a tranny?
  9. A generation without a AAAe. No bigger ownage in SW history
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