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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Thing is, GOW 2018 wasn't really a 5 year game. I believe it was more like 3-4. SSM were making a new IP and then it got canned. By the time they unveiled the game at E3 2016 that is all they had developed for the game. Most of the development was focused on the 18-24 months after that GOW Ragnarok has a similar length of development but much more focus on content than reinventing the wheel
  2. 9 realms and I reckon they will be a lot bigger in scope than 2018 where they only just started dabbling in open segments Not sure they will match Elden Ring, but the game before Elden Ring that surprised me with its scope was GOW 2018 Nothing stopping them being as content rich as Elden Ring is
  3. Seinfeld "What's the deal with polish? Is it a feature we don't have in Bethesda games or is it a European country,?"
  4. It literally does, Elden Rings performance issues were micro drops in frame rates which are smoothed out with VRR as the game is normally in the 55-60 range Any major drops below from 60 - 40 will be just as evident with VRR or not, and they are more common on Xbox
  5. Remember when lemmings promised monthly AAA games. I remember
  6. It kinda looks ass, RT is a waste of resources Forza Horizon devs were smart to not bother with RT and put that computation into other aspects
  7. I'll end in your golden saucer if you don't shut up
  8. And that's why Part 2 is PS5 exclusive
  9. The amount or BS said about this flop at launch was amazing
  10. Yeah not buying their game will show them PC gamers want to buy their game
  11. Xbox fans wouldn't be feeling the butthurt so much if Starfield didn't look so trash
  12. I prefer the new look for Tess. Her whole section of the story was meh cause I couldn't relate to her character. Maybe it was that the character model wasn't quite as well animated as others
  13. Damn that was a shit conference. I expected them to blow us away but MS is just so low quality across the board. Redfall and Starfield looked like hot shit. So many games missing and in dev hell. Expansions for Minecraft, Sea of Thieves, and Grounded as your major new announcements
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