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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. Sony spends over $50 billion annually. And Azure costs that much because it can afford to, the profits are there. MS didn’t plop down $20 billion upfront with no expectation. If Sony got into the cloud game they have the means to. But they most likely won’t as it doesn’t make sense for them as a company unless they are planning on being a Cloud provider as well. A lot of companies could get into that service, but it’s not their business model
  2. Prove something like this costs more than the $35 billion Sony has in their pockets The only reason they wouldn’t do it is because it’s not in their business strategy. They aren’t becoming a cloud services provider
  3. Unless they’re launching a colony to mars, then no they really aren’t. You’re talking about creating data centers, not some astronomically impossible task. Any billion dollar company could do it if it was in their financial interest. Hell, companies with considerably less could do it as Valve has done. As Epic is doing.
  4. Sony could approach it in a bunch of ways. They could build their own - but it’s more expensive and they don’t really need it outside of PSN. They could work with a range of bespoke existing data centers, but that brings in cost variability and some inconsistent quality. Or work with a cloud provider like MS. All are viable, but I’m sure when they did their cost analysis, what MS brought forward was the best and most cost effective. Let’s not get it wrong here. MS would have pitched for Sony’s business here, not the other way around. This is a boon for Azure with how m
  5. Sorry what exactly is so expensive and impossible about doing what you describe? Certainly isn’t a $25 billion venture Data centers are just facilities with a network of computers in different places. I’m pretty sure Sony can figure out how to pay rent and create technology stacks. It’s only a question of whether the ROI would be there for them to bother instead of outsourcing
  6. It is important. They can’t just drop 100 million consoles earning billions in PSN revenue every year They will need to keep that going while growing PS5 seamlessly
  7. The way the trailer looks, I wonder if when you die you essentially go into a multiplayer space?
  8. Best part of Kojima games is the emergent stuff he attempts, especially MGS5. I hope this game is full of that
  9. It basically looks like MGS5 gameplay wise which Kojima will have no issue nailing
  10. That whole movie was on the nose compared to the original
  11. She could be ruthless but she also was protective of those who were being unfairly treated. War crimes, rape victims, slaves etc. she was always able to make the right distinction. I could totally buy that she lost that, became more and more ruthless but they needed to earn it not have it be the flick of a switch
  12. I agree. I really enjoyed the last season But I can also see where some of the hate is coming from. I think they could could have made Dany’s turn one of the all time great moments. But it had to be earned and consistent with her characterisation. Even if she snapped in the moment, she needed to show something in the last episode. A regretful and reflective Dany would have made the decision she made more powerful. Having started rewatching the whole series, she has has always wanted to be a “good” leader and always displayed a good moral compass. She helpe
  13. The first and only positive feedback MS has had all gen was their accessibility controller. So they are now basing their entire future strategy around it Talk about hungry for affection
  14. Three episodes ago people were complaining the women are Mary Sues. Now at the end we see some demonstrably flawed and interesting female characters who went through the most compelling story arcs of the show and the problem is that their endings weren’t perfect and happy
  15. I would not be surprised to see PSNow and older Nintendo titles make their way to Xbox
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