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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I love this show Was a good ending, some great dialogue and acting in this episode. Sad to see it end Cant wait for the Arya sequel
  2. While I don’t think they will, the loss leader model would be Moreno viable than ever before The majority of profits on a console these days will be from services, subscriptions and royalties. Taking a loss on hardware to maintain the biggest revenue from these services is more viable than the days where it was just royalties and hardware profits
  3. Nothing will redeem it for those who hate it because it doesn’t match the theory they bought into 2 years ago and the “slay queen” Dany stans
  4. I wouldn’t be surprised if all of the big 3 are now looking at ways of consolidating the oligopoly and gating out Google, Amazon and whoever else tries to take a swing at the market
  5. Uncharted 4 released 6 months after its mocap finished. TLOU2 finished mocap last month
  6. There is nothing wrong with a heel turn. And it doesn’t need to be a calculated move. It’s more than well established that Targaryens border the line of insanity, and Daenerys has always walked that thin line between trying to be a good leader and giving into her “fire and blood” instincts
  7. I care. But I also don’t expect D&D to go and write the rest of the story on the level of one of the best fantasy authors ever. And to do it in Months whereas GRRM takes years. Im enjoying the show for what it is now. Fantastically directed fantasy attempting to tie together an unfinished story I feel bad for them. The internet is raging at them like they signed up to finish GRRMs story’s for him. its George’s fault. 8 years to finish the damn books, and then he stops working on the show when it becomes a conflict of interest
  8. Gendey will fight her in the trident and smash her tits off with his hammer. They will rename the place the Booby Ford
  9. U really want to add to Aza’s wank bank?
  10. Scorpions were deadly in a surprise attack hitting an already injured dragon. They already established in the last episode and the wagon train attack that Drogon is more than capable of evading and destroying them once aware. They can be deadly but they are also slow to reload and manoeuvre Dany has been battling with this since the start of season 7. She has wanted to go in with “fire and blood”, she has committed cold blooded murders just last season. She took counsel from advisors who have either died, betrayed or failed her to control these tendencies. And the hint and
  11. I actually like her WAY more. It took to the 11th hour to make her an interesting character but they did it
  12. At this point I’d prefer them to take the L and go back north. My feeling is the seven kingdoms have gotten the leader they deserve now. She is also too OP and already showed awareness and fear of assassination in the last ep Let Dany rule the ashes
  13. Agreed with that. First thing I said, it’s absolutely in line with what I think GRRM would do. He would obviously have laid the path to get there a lot better but it makes sense and they did lay groundwork Dany has been burning people alive for ages. She has desensitised to it. This was always a contrast to one of the first scenes of the show “the man who passes the sentence must swing the sword” She got treated as a liberator in the East. But she was always advised the small folk in Westeros don’t care what lord sits the iron throne. She came to Westeros and didn’t ga
  14. Saying it wasn’t in character when literally the last time she fought on her Dragons against the Lannisters she then roasted prisoners alive
  15. I fucking loved that. It was peak Game of Thrones. Exactly the themes of Game of Thrones, power corrupts and war is hell. For as much as I didn’t like some of the writing this season, they absolutely nailed that
  16. I haven’t really mentioned it before but I’m a big fan of Rocket League
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