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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. I thought you were a legendary poster
  2. The only way I see it being more ambitious is if they significantly alter the world. Midgar more an open world city, outside towns are expanded significantly and the open world is BOTW like. Plus new side quests in addition to old ones. In reality I expect Midgar will still be mostly linear, they’ll replace the world map with a path and towns won’t be any bigger
  3. Nobody is asking them to turn every moment into a CG cutscene or be entirely unique animations. A lot of it will be canned conversation animations and that’s fine
  4. Nah Midgar needs a lot of work but the rest of the towns are generally tiny and the overworld really requires no more work than most open world games
  5. I mean in terms of their reasoning that it’s too big to be one game. Which is BS. There’s one big city and then an open world with a bunch of small towns they have to create after that poin No reasons it’s bigger than Witcher or tons of other open world games And I bet it’s not even open
  6. I hate that this will be split into 3 + games. It makes zero sense
  7. A Splinter Cell style multiplayer would be cool Dev isn’t exactly anything to be excited about though
  8. Please D&D will make it so Bronn kills Cersei Grayworm kills the Mountain but dies in the process Arya kills Euron Jon and Dany bond over the death of extremely important characters like Grayworm and Davis and get married to live happily ever after Jaime, the hound do nothing. Tyrion hides during the battle.
  9. I thought this guy was an idiot but then he was smart enough to buy Rocket League
  10. I’ve rewatched the original season lately and was amazed by how much progression they manage to fit into 10 episodes. And to balance in a way that never felt like it was rushed. Just take Tyrion in season 1 he goes from a Winterfell to the wall back to Winterfell, to the crossroads and gets captured, get a ambushed on the way to the Eyrie, gets imprisoned, has a trial by combat, almost killed again by mountain men who he recruits, meets his dad in the middle of a war and almost dies himself and then is named acting hand of the king. And they manage all this with dozens
  11. I thought it was a good episode But Dany is making no sense with her tactics. I’m not sure why she is so against a seige tactic when it’s exactly what helped her win Mereen. Varys also knows every secret access to the city. They could 100% relocate what they did there even with a smaller force
  12. What’s the bet they just ignore that it looked like almost everyone died at Winterfell and there should be no significant army left
  13. Cooke, ban this guy for downplaying transphobia, arguing in bad faith and history of infractions
  14. You know whenever somebody starts a statement with “it’s alarming”, “it’s concerning” or my favourite “it’s troubling” that they are definitely a cuck
  15. The original E3 demo looked so good. I thought this would be more of a unique parkour style game in an apocalypse where you need to use the environment to your advantage and hordes everywhere
  16. Politics have infested gaming so much that we have lemmings and sheep defending a PS4 flop. Gross
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