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Everything posted by Voidler

  1. This is the kind of trash lemmings would love. Why not turn it into a shooter at the same time
  2. Scared of the blacks and browns?
  3. People are angrier and all the anger pointed in the wrong direction The bought out Politicians and Super rich of all sides destroying democracies, depressing the middle and lower class, and ruining the environment are causing the issues. Left and right has nothing to do with it
  4. Yeah the dead people aren’t the real victims
  5. left idiots can be dumb but at least they aren’t using their ideaology to slaughter people
  6. These incidents are from 2017. What would show behavioural change if not an apology and the behaviour stopping?
  7. I mean you just cut out what I said directly after that so you could create one specific line of inquiry which I don’t disagree with. I guess that’s one tactic His apology videos are all over YouTube, pretty standard practice when one of them fucks up
  8. Pewds promotes literally hundreds of channels, videos etc he comes across. It’s not hard with YouTube’s algorithm to accidentally find yourself on a channel that is objectively hateful and not realise it. Again you have to trawl hundreds of hours to find stuff like this which at best is lite-racism. And then the articles blow up when it surfaces. This is basic confirmation bias No doubt he has said some stupid things and displayed some stupid content, but it really isn’t a reflection at all on his actual general content. And when you do so much content generally unfiltered it happe
  9. I’ve watched a fair chunk of PewDiePie and he is generally about as vanilla as you can get for a “controversial” Youtuber. He definitely mocks the progressive agenda at times and has gone too far on a bad racial joke once or twice - but really no more than you could find in yours or my internet history. Those controversies were about as light as you could get within hundred of hours of video he does Pewdie is a good example of why the lefts purity tests are simply idiotic. He is a Youtuber with a massive presence and rather than the left embracing and nudging his messag
  10. It needs exclusives and probably an absolute banger like MS had Halo right out of the gate Xbox would have been dead on arrival without a game of that caliber
  11. It might if the market gets filled up with Google, Amazon, Apple etc Content will win in the end probably one of the few publishers guaranteed a return on investment with the sales of GTA too
  12. Won’t be true but would be a good fit for Sony getting more SP blockbusters like GTA, RDR, Bioshock. And an MP juggernaut like GTA Online. Plus MLB fits well in the 2K Sports portfolio
  13. Funny because they haven’t even been able to handle Nintendo and Sony
  14. Looks like a bunch of corridor games
  15. And don’t ever social or stress smoke after Quitting is hard for a fortnight then becomes considerably easier But for me even a couple smokes and I’m back on like I never stopped. I thought I’d be fine after 6 months but wasn’t
  16. Why does this read like the old Dreamcast 2 fanboy wet dreams
  17. Blue hole be like “come back to PUBG. Cheaters welcome “
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