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Everything posted by bhytre

  1. Wow lemkids failed hard in this thread :| Bu but teh dogz
  2. Off-topic and personal attacks, this thread and lemmings opinion in fighting games has ended on this very spot Agreed. :shakes:You'll always have a door open to sheep land
  3. Off-topic and personal attacks, this thread and lemmings opinion in fighting games has ended on this very spot typical lemkids running to stereotypes and racism whenever they lose at arguing:killzone:They never had any to begin with so they don't really mind being ridiculed
  4. Off-topic and personal attacks, this thread and lemmings opinion in fighting games has ended on this very spot
  5. Lemkids just prove that they post the most random bullshit...bu but DOA is the best..bu but PS2 doesn't have pressure sensitive controllers LEMKIDS
  6. This whole thread became a disgusting display of bad taste in fighters. It's good to see that lemmings haven't consumed you completely
  7. Did i just see some lemkid saying that DOA is better than Tekken?
  8. Funny how lemkids try to ignore this post, the new hole in their smelly bodies must hurt
  9. Lemmings getting offended by the DOA hate Make a thread about it
  10. Something is leaving diarrhoea stains all over the place...oh, it's just Liquid Pampers getting owned badly.
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